Chapter 36: Outer Disciple Sect Exam

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Days passed by like a breeze but Li Gang didn't stop cultivation. As a person's cultivation increases, their sleep requirement decreases. 

But, Li Gang still maintains his discipline. He sleeps 6-7 hours everyday and a whole day every 10 days.

The main reason is that, his brain is in active state nearly all times. This is something impossible for an ordinary person. A normal person's brain is generally in a passive state, and only when something important comes up, it switches from passive state to active state.

Human Brain has two kinds of thought states: Active, Passive.

Passive thoughts are similar to instincts. It develops with experience. For an example, let's take a Chess grandmaster. He has already memorized thousands of games, so he can easily see through mistakes by opponent without even calculating a single moves, just based on their pattern recognition. 

But, in case of active thinking, they have to calculate different kinds of lines. This can also be understood with another example. When a person rides a bike. He is often lost in his thinking, but he still reaches his destination, without actively thinking which direction he has to go. Yes, it also has negative impact. The accuracy of Passive thinking is far less than Active thinking.

Maintaining active brain continuously cause great exhaustion to Li Gang, and it can even potentially lead to mental illness if not handled properly. Even though the effect has reduced with his high Spiritual and Soul Cultivation, he still takes precautions by having enough sleep. Sleep not only refreshes mind, but also helps in consolidating what he has learnt through active thinking. 

1 month has passed. 

Li Gang didn't focus on his Cultivation during this time, but tried to increase his proficiency in the techniques he learnt.

Grade 5: Thunderflash Dash: 78% (Intermediate early stage)
Grade 5: Soulshield Ward: 15% (Novice peak stage)
Grade 5: Whispering Wind Arrow: 74% (Intermediate early stage)
Grade 4: Wind-Thunder Eagle Eye: 80% (Advance early stage)
Grade 8: Blade of Brilliance: 1% (Novice early stage)

From now on, Li Gang would use these techniques more often. This is mainly because Grade 2 Techniques are no longer suitable to him. His Soul Cultivation is Rank 4 peak stage and Spiritual Cultivation is Rank 3 mid stage. His Soul Cultivation is decreasing at faster rate as compared to his Spiritual Cultivation, this is because the foundation of his Soul Cultivation is also improving.

Li Gang's understanding of Soul attribute is too low. Thus, his exploitation of Soulshield Ward technique is hindered. He thought of Lin Fan and murmured. "I have to take him down and get his experiences through soul search as soon as possible. Outer Disciple Sect Exam will start from tomorrow, I should be prepared."

Li Gang has already started plotting against him 1 month back, and for this he has already registered in Outer Disciple Sect Exam.

After practicing for a while, He went back for the rest.


Next day

Many outer sect disciples are gathered together and having a discussion.

"Have you heard, Jian Wei has reached Rank 4 middle stage. I am sure he would be number one this time."

"There is even Liu Jin, he is at Rank 4 early stage."

"I know, even Zhou Yuerong reached Rank 4 early stage!"

"Zhou Yuerong has support of Senior brother Yan, it is not difficult to cultivate so fast. She has enough resources to back it up."

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