Chapter 50: He Fan's plot

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Tianwu City

There was chaos everywhere. The Qin family was suddenly attacked by He family. 

Qin Jia looked at He Zhen and said darkly. "You made quite a deep scheme! You knew you couldn't defeat us with your manpower, so you split us and attacked."

He Zhen smiled. "Don't blame me. Just blame your bad luck that you got such a trash son. All these schemes are devised by Fan-er himself!"

Qin Jia frowned. 'He Fan? Wasn't he a waste?'

He Zhen didn't give any chance to Qin Jia and continued assaulting him. But, even though he was using all his strength, Qin Jia was easily able to hold his ground. Even though Qin Jia is only Rank 6 late stage Warrior, his foundation is stronger than He Zhen. Thus they are of near equal strength.

He said in a deep voice. "No matter what your schemes are, with the strength of Qin family, we can take you on."

He Zhen didn't speak. He knows Qin family is very strong and has a deep foundation. He just continued his attacks.

Not far from him, Qin Zheng was fighting He Liang and natal beast of He Fan alone. He Liang is the adopted son of He Zhen and has already reached Rank 5 peak just at the age of 80 years! He can enter Rank 6 any time. 

Not to mention, his spiritual imprint is A grade, Space type: Teleportation! It allows him to teleport through space within 10 km instantly. The strength of Spiritual Imprint increases with the soul cultivation. 

Heavenly Peacock is also a Grade 5 peak stage Beast. It's specialty is it's Spiritual essence. It possesses a huge amount of Spiritual Essence and is able to control Water and Earth attribute very well! Spiritual Beasts are also capable of learning some Secret Techniques, given they are specifically made for them. 

Qin Zheng was completely suppressed by both of them.

Meanwhile, in the core area of Qin family, there is a secret Vault. Inside it, a young looking man was sitting on a huge pile of resources. He murmured. "It is about time that we should wrap things up!"


Qin Family Prison

Qin Yuanlong was completely suppressed and captured. Blood was dripping from various parts of his body, and it looks like even after he was captured, he was injured multiple times. 

However, he ignored all the pain easily and asked Li Gang: "How did you know?" Yuan Guo also looked towards Li Gang. He never knew something like tattoo existed in the first place.

Li Gang said indifferently. "It was just a bluff. I didn't know what your tattoo truly does at all. Though, I am sure it must be the reason for your sudden increase in cultivation after I saw your reaction."

Qin Yuanlong looked at him and said with a deep voice. "Do you think I am a kid? You would do such a bluff without any base especially at that moment?"

Li Gang replied calmly. "It was not without any base. It is a long story. But, I won't waste my time explaining you."

Saying that, he grabbed Qin Yuanlong and dragged him outside. 

But what truly happened? It turns out that all this happened when Li Gang asked Dai Lin to pour the wine on Qin Yuanlong. Li Gang had already noticed at that time that Qin Yuanlong never touched anything with his right hand, as if there was some injury on it. But what injury can a Rank 5 Warrior have? He just ignored it and assumed it to be coincidence.

In the same incident, in his anger, Qin Yuanlong subconsciously put his right hand near his waist-thigh. Li Gang became sure Qin Yuanlong is right handed at that moment. But, when he fought with Qin Yuanlong or even when Qin Yuanlong fought with hundred Rank 3 Warriors, he never used his right hand but instead used left hand. At that time, Li Gang thought he might be hiding his strength by using wrong hand and even suspected if his assumption was wrong. However, when he sneak attacked Qin Yuanlong, he deliberately positioned himself near his right side, and even then Qin Yuanlong only used his left hand. This was something way too suspicious. Any normal person would use their right hand to defend at that moment. 

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