Chapter 14: Huang Ling

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Ren Ying is a young man with light complexion in his twenties. He is a rank 2 Warrior, with long black hair, similar to Li Gang. If someone looks at him from behind, they can mistook him for Li Gang just as Li Yuxong did.

But contrary to Li Gang, Ren Ying is a very cheerful and reckless person with Cultivation of Rank 2 late stage Warrior. He thinks after speaking, takes action without any plans. But when it comes to survival in forest, Ren Ying becomes entirely different person! He can strategize like no others.

 As Li Yuxong continued journey with the party, he realised these people were too kind. They are lone Warriors, and doesn't belong to any faction and came here to gain experience. Later, they joined Thunderous Peak Sect faction to complete some tasks and gain rewards. Jin Lei and Cao Wei are partners from the childhood. They formed party as soon as they met in this small world. Jin Lei is hard working, while Cao Wei is kind of introvert, both having cultivation of rank 2 mid stage. But, together, they can even take down a rank 2 peak Warrior!

This time, Thunderous Peak Sect found a region filled with miasma due various corpses. They claimed there is grade 6 Spiritual plant Corpse Blossom blooming there. Ren Ying and others are aiming for this Corpse Blossom as per the task.

Each factions of Jade Harbor city has created a task board, and they reward corresponding amount of Spirit Stones on completing the tasks. This time, the task is dangerous and so, the reward is also bountiful. They will provide 1000 spirit stones for completing this task. For Rank 2 Warriors like Ren Ying, Jin Lei and Cao Wei, it is huge reward.

For rank 1 Warriors, 1 spirit stone can be used for a month, while for rank 2 Warriors 10 spirit stone can last a month. Thus, having hundreds of spirit stone is huge amount for them.

Region number 23

Li Yuxong, Ren Ying, Jin Lei and Cao Wei are sitting together and discussing the future plans.

Ren Ying: "This is the ideal place, there are three ways from here. One leads to Region 23, where we are going for Corpse Blossom, the other leads to Region 21. Final one is from where we came! We have already marked crucial points on our journey anyway."

Jin Lei nodded. "In the future, instead of returning, if we have sufficient time, we can explore the other regions."

Li Yuxong also nodded. "I can feel that Spiritual Essence here is richer than before. It would be much better if we could stay here longer!"

Ren Ying solemnly reminded. "Richer Spiritual Essence also means the Beasts we would encounter from here on would also be stronger. So, we have to be cautious from now on."

Li Yuxong also nodded heavily.

At that moment, Cao Wei asked. "When we will start?"

Jin Lei answered: "We will start from tomorrow morning. It would be better to take the rest!"

Ren Ying interjected. "No, we would move day after tomorrow. I am feeling uncomfortable, and need proper rest before continuing, at least to be on safe side."

Jin Lei wanted to say something, but then he just simply nodded.

In this way, the party decided to rest for two days and continue their journey afterwards.

2 days later

Jin Lei asked: "Where is Li Yuxong?"

Ren Ying answered: "We have to wait half day more, he is about to reach rank 3 Warrior, and doesn't want to waste this opportunity."

Jin Lei nodded. "He is quite diligent!"

Ren Ying agreed.

Suddenly, they found Li Yuxong coming out of his tent with smile on his face.

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