Chapter 13: Li Gang died?

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Li Gang self introspected after the battle!

'I was lucky that he was injured in his foot, otherwise killing rank 3 Warrior would have been difficult! It seems Spirit Dragon Clan is hunting me down. It must be due to the fact that I ignored their majesty and entered the portal before them. But it is good that I knew about it beforehand. I was suspicious before too, but being suspicious and having a confirm judgement is like a huge difference even though it seems not much different. Now enemy is in bright, and I am in the dark, I can make use of this fact to loot them properly! If you want to kill me, then you should be prepared to loose something.'

As he was thinking these, he also took out all the possession of Long Xuan meanwhile. He looked through all space rings Long Xuan possessed, he was surprised to see that Long Xuan was too poor.

Li Gang murmured. "Why is my luck so bad here? The great Spirit Dragon Clan Warrior doesn't possess anything more valuable than this grade 4 Sword? It's a pity that I don't use sword, but it can be used to deceive others!"

What Li Gang didn't know is that those great clans and sects have hierarchical divisions and only based on their contributions, they are awarded with these Spirit Weapons and other resources.

Li Gang collected the Beastly Core, and thought. 'Removing traces is quite time taking. No one is going to find me with just these traces anyway. As long as I remove the traces of poisons in these traps and his body, it would be fine!'

Then, he started burning the body of Long Xuan, he didn't left till he watched with his own eyes his body turning to ashes. After that he removed all possible traces of poisons he has left nearby. Then he immediately started moving in the opposite direction of the River flow.

'I have been travelling through these rivers all this while, but met only few people, it is very likely that most people are teleported in the opposite direction. I have wasted a lot of time, they may have gathered their allies and may even have found the inheritance!'

As he thought of this, Li Gang continued his journey towards deep into the forest, in the direction opposite to the flow of River.

At the same time, somewhere in the Small World in a certain Cave.

Wang Xueyao looked into the void in a certain direction, and said. "Come out!"

A sudden surge of Spiritual Essence filled the cave, as a Man with immortal like temperament appeared. But, despite this, he looked at Wang Xueyao humbly and said.

"As expected of the Great ######## #######, someone like me can't comprehend you!"

Wang Xueyao looked at him and said coldly. "Have you been targeting 'him' all along?"

The man said. "What can I do? It is the order from above. We have to eliminate all the variables that may cause threat to this world."

Wang Xueyao looked at him with a frown and said. "He isn't a threat at this moment. He doesn't even possess 'Special Ability'. How did you judge him as a threat? You should be aware of that, since as an in charge to this 'place', you should be able to monitor each and every existence here, even their..." She paused and didn't continue.

The man looked at her and said with a deep and unquestionable tone. "Whether he possesses them or not, it is my duty to eliminate all the Variables, no matter how insignificant."

She suddenly changed the topic. "I don't care what hindrance you cause him, but as long as you don't go too extreme I won't care. I hope you understand what I meant, after all he is the husband I approved!"

The man was shocked and immediately sweated. "Then, if he is under your care, I wouldn't even dare to cause slightest harm to him."

Wang Xueyao rejected it immediately. "Don't think too much, he is just 'my' husband."

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