Chapter 10: True self and Fake Mask

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"Your current aptitude should be B grade!"

Hearing this, Li Gang frowned. 'How can one's aptitude be increased? What truly is an aptitude of a person?'

He directly asked. "Do you know what is an aptitude?"

Wang Xueyao looked at him and said: "There is no such thing as an aptitude. There is only compatibility between soul and body. If your soul is properly synchronized with your body, then your aptitude will be higher. The only reason Spiritual Imprint helps in increasing Cultivation speed is because it helps in syncing the body and soul!"

Li Gang thought inwardly. 'Now that I think about it, she is right. If a body and soul are 100% synced, then the person would be a perfect human! But, there is no such thing as 100% in this probabilistic world, the more synced body is with soul, the lower probability becomes for more synchronization! My low talent is probably because my soul is from another world and body from this world, which might have caused incompatibility in between.'

5 year passed like a breeze.

23rd April, Year 42019 of Elemental Era

Li Gang and Wang Xueyao had been wandering together and farming benefits here and there. These days, Li Gang's vision of world took a new change. He has evolved from a bookworm to a person with real world knowledge, thanks to Wang Xueyao.

He saw many spiritual plants, beasts, different kinds of spiritual stones in last year. He also realised this place contains various materials for making poisons, and also made few of them. They met very few people during this time! But, ignoring them Li Gang and Wang Xueyao continued their journey. Not only that, he specifically learnt many languages from Wang Xueyao. She is a walking Wisdom to an ignorant being like him.

'Soon, I will reach peak stage rank 2!'

Li Gang has already reached rank 2 late stage few months ago! As soon as he realised that training in this place gives him more benefits, he doubled the effort of his Cultivation, and halved his efforts of learning skills and sharpening his mind.

Even this isn't sufficient for him to reach such stage so early, the Celestial Serenity Technique also played a crucial role!

Suddenly a loud bang sounded, catching Wang Xueyao and Li Gang off guard. Wang Xueyao immediately came over and asked: "What happened?"

Li Gang's face was serious. He was looking at a certain direction and said. "I don't know, it seems someone is fighting over there. Looking at the explosion, it has to be a rank 5 Warrior fighting."

Wang Xueyao suddenly activated a Secret Technique, and her face turned serious.

"It's rank 5 Spiritual Beast, Spiritfire Wolf. Against it, few Thunderous peak sect members are fighting."

Li Gang's face also turned serious. Spiritfire Wolf is not something they can face at this stage! Even though Wang Xueyao is peak rank 5 Warrior, she can't defeat a rank 5 stage Beast, without any loss.

An average Beasts are stronger as compared to the Warriors of same rank, though they do lack intelligence.

Li Gang thought of something and said. "Let's save them!"

Wang Xueyao looked at him deeply. 'He is too soft. It seems he never killed anyone before.'

She isn't wrong. Even though Li Gang has adapted to this world, but he has never seen real life cruelty of this world. He has yet to experience many things. There is huge difference between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. Even in his previous life, he was only good at theoretical knowledge, but when it comes to real life implementation, he couldn't do that good.

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