𝟭. 𝗧𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Chapter One: Tiny Heart Captive

"Nehmat! Can you and Vamika stop messing around and get ready? We're running late for the match," Anushka yelled while putting on her earrings.

Vamika pouted, resting her forehead against Nehmat. "Nini, can't we just wear these comfy clothes?" she said, pointing at their joggers and oversized t-shirts.

"Oh, Vami, I wish we could, but your mom will freak out if she sees us walking out in those," Nehmat replied, patting the three-year-old's head.

"Are you two talking about me?" Anushka appeared in the doorway of Nehmat's room, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Nothing, bhabhi. We're just getting ready," Nehmat replied, her eyes widening as she quickly picked up the little one and handed it to her sister-in-law. She then shut the door, leaving Anushka on the outside.

Vamika, sensing trouble, gave a nervous smile to Anushka, realizing that her "Nini" had successfully avoided further questioning.

"I'm letting it go for now since we're running late," Anushka declared. 

"Haash," muttered Vamika under her breath, making Anushka look at her with narrowed eyes. "But I am getting back at you two after the match. Let's go now."

Dressed in matching blue frocks that they insisted on purchasing for the match, both Vamika and Nehmat sat on either side of Anushka in the backseat, bubbling with excitement.

"We're not even at the stadium yet, and you two are already jumping around. I don't know how you'll react once we're there. Seriously, it feels like I'm handling two kids at once," Anushka said, rubbing her temples in amusement.

"Oh, bhabhi, whatever it is, you love us," Nehmat said, pulling Anushka into a hug and planting a kiss on her cheek. Vamika followed suit, hugging her mother from the other side. Anushka couldn't help but chuckle at the mischief of the two, realizing how much joy they brought to the house with their lively presence.

Nehmat and Vamika were attached at the hip. It wasn't surprising, considering Vamika's first word wasn't "Mummy" or "daddy," but "Nini." From bedtime stories to the first day of playgroup, her little one wanted her "Nini" everywhere. Sometimes, Anushka wondered how she'd manage if Nehmat wasn't there someday. How would she handle Vamika, who always wanted her "Nini" first in everything? She shook off these thoughts, focusing on the fun they were going to have at the match. They were all together now, and that's what truly mattered.

They arrived at the stadium, parking the car a few distances away from the media and paparazzi. Anushka was about to pick up Vamika, but the little one was quick to climb into Nehmat's arms. Anushka looked sceptical, wondering if Nehmat could handle the crowd.

"Don't worry, I will protect her more than myself," Nehmat reassured, wiping off the tension from Anushka's face and replacing it with a smile. Anushka knew that if her kid was safest in somebody else's arms other than her parents, it was her bua's.

Nehmat made Vamika wear a mask and a cap, to which she protested. However, with a stern look from her Nini, she reluctantly put them on. The little one knew that if her fun-loving Nini was getting serious, it meant something important. She pouted but complied with the request.

They both entered the stadium but were eventually squeezed by the media, even with a bodyguard trying to create a barrier. The paparazzi were relentless, attempting to get a picture of Vamika, even though her paaji and bhabhi had requested them not to. Little Vamika, following her Nini's instructions, had buried her face in her shoulder to shield herself from the flashing cameras. The crowd continued to press in, growing restless and unwilling to back off, causing the little Vamika to clutch her hands tightly on her Nini's dress for comfort and security.

Her bhabhi had already gone ahead, but they were still struggling to make their way through the crowd. Nehmat knew she had to get them to the other side. Taking a deep breath, she roared, "Back off!" Her voice rang out, commanding and fierce. The crowd immediately stepped back, startled by the intensity in Nehmat Kohli's eyes. No one dared to step forward until Nehmat and Vamika were safely inside the stadium.

Once inside, away from the prying cameras, Vamika lifted her face, holding Nehmat's face and planting a sweet kiss on her nose. "Calm down, Nini," Vamika reassured. Looking at Vamika's adorable face, Nehmat nodded, reciprocating the gesture by kissing her nose back. The tender moment helped dissipate the tension from their encounter with the media outside.

Holding Vamika close, Nehmat spoke softly, "You always know how to make Nini feel better, don't you?"

Vamika grinned, her eyes sparkling with childlike joy. "Of course, Nini! That's my job."

Nehmat, swaying with little Vamika in her arms, moved further inside. "Well, my little happiness expert, what's our job now?" she inquired, her tone playful.

Vamika threw her hands in the air with an enthusiastic giggle. "To cheer Daddy!" she exclaimed, the excitement evident in her voice.

Nehmat chuckled at Vamika's infectious energy, grateful for the simplicity and joy that the little one brought into their lives. Nehmat didn't realize that someone who was 6'1 tall would soon capture her heart. Right now, this person is just 2 feet tall, held in her arms. 

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