𝟯𝟵. 𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗻𝘀

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Don't Entertain Clowns

The sun was now setting behind the horizon. Nehmat had her eyes fixed on it since 6 PM. She didn't have much work to do today, so she decided to spend her time in her room reading books. If she didn't have work on another day, she would take a walk in the garden in the back, but knowing how stubborn Vamika was, she figured she hadn't left the house. Earlier, there had been sounds of crying and pleading, and half an hour later, the house went silent. Nehmat was sure they must be downstairs, and she didn't have the energy to face them, so she ate her lunch in her room and spent the afternoon with a book in her hand. Now, the clock had struck 7.50 PM. Sighing, she looked back at the sun and waited for twenty minutes until the sky turned dark.

As Nehmat watched the snow-clad mountains slowly darken with the setting sun, a thought struck her. The serene beauty of the scene seemed to clear her distant demeanour. Why did Anushka and Vamika have to suffer the consequences of their mistakes? Had her anger made her so blind that she was hurting the people who were actually there for her? One thing Nehmat had learned over the three years, along with being a cold-hearted person, was to make quick and rational decisions rather than fussing and letting her mind bear the pain of thoughts.

Setting the book aside as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Nehmat opened the door of her room after spending 7 to 8 hours inside. Walking along the wooden flooring, she relished the coolness under her bare feet. Despite the Indian tradition of not wearing shoes inside the home becoming a thing of the past, she still maintained it. Descending the stairs, her steps made a creaking sound, drawing everyone's attention in the living room.

Anushka and Virat had changed their clothes and were seated, staring into space. Vamika was asleep, her head resting on her mother's lap and her legs stretched out on her father's. Shubman looked exhausted, his clothes dishevelled, and his face red from crying. Evelyn had stepped out for some errands, leaving Nehmat alone in the house.

As Nehmat reached the final step, the main door opened, and two pairs of feet came running, shouting towards her. "Nehhh!" The sudden noise jolted Vamika from her sleep, and what she saw brought a pang of jealousy to her heart. Two little kids, around four or five years old, were hugging Nehmat tightly. Shubman felt his heart leap into his throat as he watched the kids embrace Nehmat. Was she... was she... he couldn't complete the thought, or rather, he didn't have the courage to.

"James, Lily, I want you to meet someone," Nehmat said, gently curling the front strands of hair that always rested on the twins' foreheads.

"Who is it, Neh?" the twins asked, their curiosity piqued.

Nehmat smiled and then glanced towards Vamika, who was now sitting upright with messy hair, a red nose, and tears in her eyes as she watched Nehmat, ready to embrace someone else but not her. Vamika's jealousy turned to surprise when she saw Nehmat gesturing for her to come closer. Quietly, she got down and walked towards Nehmat.

With a smile, Nehmat pulled Vamika close by her waist as she knelt in front of the kids. "Meet my niece, my Vamii, also known as Vanika."

James and Lily, excited to have one more person to play with, eagerly embraced Vanika, causing all three of them to tumble down in a heap, making Nehmat laugh. "Easy there, my tigers," she chuckled, amused by their enthusiasm.

Vamika laughed joyfully as the twins continued to cling to her, their happiness evident. Nehmat gently lifted all three of them into her arms, embracing them tightly. "So, what do you want to have for dinner?" she asked with a warm smile.

Vamika hugged Nehmat tightly, her emotions overflowing. "I missed you, Nini. I missed you," she said, tears welling up in her eyes as she saw Nehmat returning to her old self. Sensing her distress, the twins rubbed Vanika's back, trying to comfort her.

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