𝟱. 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽'𝘀 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹

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Chapter Five: Resisting Frienship's Call

Shubman let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, taking a moment to rest after a tiring One Day International (ODI) game. They had just lost their first match to the Kiwis, following a 2-1 series win against them in the Twenty20 International (T20I). Yup, they were already halfway through the tour.

Glancing over at Nehmat, he noticed she was engrossed in finishing some paperwork. The only time she seemed to give him space was when she was deeply immersed in work; otherwise, she trailed him like a lost puppy, despite his apparent indifference.

He couldn't quite figure out why she insisted on sticking around, even though he hadn't shown her any particular interest. He couldn't deny that the girls who had previously used him were undoubtedly unpleasant, pushing boundaries even when he felt uncomfortable. However, Nehmat was different. Despite her constant attempts at friendship, she always maintained a respectful distance and seemed attuned to his comfort level. Yet, he was hesitant to let her know this. If he acknowledged it, she might take it as a compliment, thinking he was making an effort for the friendship she desired – something he wasn't willing to give.

He recalled the final day of the T20I series when he was all padded up to bat. As he moved forward, he tripped on his laces and fell flat on his face, prompting the entire dressing room to erupt in laughter. However, one stern look and scolding from Nehmat silenced the entire room. He remembered it vividly as she knelt to tie his laces, saying, "You guys shouldn't forget that he's a debutant. Your actions can affect him."

He was embarrassed, but at that moment, as she knelt to tie his laces, she managed to ease his embarrassment. Her calm demeanour and considerate actions made him feel a sense of comfort. He smiled at her, dimples on full display, and sincerely uttered, "Thank you." The genuine appreciation in his words made her blush, and she nodded in response as she moved away. He sighed, recognizing the delicate balance he needed to maintain. Choosing his reactions wisely was essential; otherwise, he knew she might interpret every gesture as a sign of hope for their friendship. Recognizing Nehmat as a genuinely good person, he couldn't ignore the fact that, as a potential friend, she came with a set of challenges that he wasn't eager to embrace. Her persistent efforts to befriend him posed a kind of headache he wasn't willing to invite into his life. Despite her positive qualities, the prospect of a close friendship with her seemed more burdensome than appealing.

The debutant of the ODI series obstructed his view as he sat next to Nehmat. She looked up with a smile, perhaps happy that someone was sitting next to her, or possibly excited to engage the person in conversation with her nonsensical talks.

"I hope you don't mind; everyone seems to have someone, so..." Jaiswal said, hesitating.

"Oh, come on, boy! I am happy to have company," Nehmat said, patting his back as she wrapped up her work.

Jaiswal, encouraged by her friendly response, decided to strike up a conversation. "So, how are you finding the team so far?" he inquired, trying to initiate a casual chat.

She grinned, appreciating his effort to engage. "It's been great. The team has its quirks, but you'll get used to it. Everyone's pretty friendly once you get to know them," she reassured him.

Jaiswal nodded, visibly more at ease. "That's good to hear. Any insider tips on surviving the team dynamics?" he asked with a hint of humour.

She chuckled, "Just roll with the punches, keep your sense of humour intact, and you'll do just fine. Oh, and try not to take everything too seriously – we're a lively bunch!"

Jaiswal fiddled with his fingers, a slight nervousness creeping in. Trying to sound casual, he said, "Hey, hope you don't take this the wrong way, but with this gap between matches, I was wondering if you'd be up for exploring some places in New Zealand together?"

"What a flirt!" Shubman rolled his eyes thinking. He was aware of Jaiswal's intentions but remained curious about Nehmat's response.

Nehmat's eyes lit up with excitement, and a bright smile spread across her face. "That sounds amazing!" she exclaimed. "I'm definitely up for exploring New Zealand with you. It's going to be so much fun!"

Jaiswal chuckled at her cute reaction, finding her enthusiasm endearing. However, Shubman sported a knowing smirk, aware that individuals like Nehmat might not pass up an opportunity to take advantage. Just a few days ago, she was tailing him like a devoted puppy, and now, with someone new giving her attention, she seemed to turn her focus towards it.

He mused to himself, "Lucky me, at least she won't be bothering me anymore now that she's found someone new. Poor Jaiswal, though; he's in for a brain-full of her endless chatter." But just as he thought he had escaped, he was snapped out of his thoughts when Nehmat, her hands clasped in anticipation, turned towards him and cheerfully asked, "Hey, Shubman, you should totally join us! It's going to be so much fun exploring together!"

Shubman was all set to come up with an excuse, ready to decline Nehmat's invitation. However, before he could utter a word, Jaiswal stepped in and said, "Come on, Shubmani! It'll be a blast. We can make some great memories together."

Taking a deep breath, Shubman sighed inwardly. He knew that for the sake of team bonding, he couldn't let this opportunity slip away, even if it meant enduring the company of the annoying Nehmat. With a resigned expression, he replied, "Alright, fine. Count me in. Let's see what adventures New Zealand has in store for us."

Shubman prayed quietly, "Hey Rabba menu bacha leyna aee kudi toh." He hoped for a peaceful outing, free from any complications.

Meanwhile, Nehmat whispered her own prayer, "Rab ji, bas iss vaar baat bana lena."

Little did they know that something different was going to happen from what they had asked for.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now