𝟮𝟴. 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗘𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Clash of Emotions

After completing one format of the match, the team and their families moved on to the next. As Nehmat was about to sit beside Shubman, Virat beat her to it. She furrowed her eyebrows in mild annoyance, but a reassuring blink from Shubman halted any further protest.

The only seat left was next to Meera, which Nehmat inwardly whined about. With a mental groan, she reluctantly sat next to her, her face betraying her internal struggle as she looked around for any distraction. She silently prayed for Vamika to come over and rescue her from the situation, but the little one was peacefully snoring in the seat in front of her, oblivious to Nehmat's plight.

Nehmat shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying to focus on the upcoming match rather than the awkwardness of sitting beside Meera. She stole a glance at Shubman, who flashed her a supportive smile, easing some of her tension.

Nehmat's heart skipped a beat as she heard an evil chuckle emanating from her side. She turned to see Meera staring at her, a sinister gleam in her eyes. "You scarred my hand a bit, now I'll scar your everything," Meera said, her voice laced with malice as she caressed the big scratch from game day. Nehmat's breath caught in her throat, a chill running down her spine at the threat in Meera's words.

Meera placed her elbow on the armrest, resting her chin on her fist as she spoke, her tone dripping with saccharine sweetness. "You know, Neh, Chiku Bhaiya loves me so much," she said, her voice laced with an extra layer of sugary affection, reminiscent of Delores Ridge, the pink toad.

Nehmat bit her lip, feeling the familiar sting of the internal struggle she'd faced all her life: the complexities of sibling love. Meera's stubbornness and occasional malice were undeniable, and there was no way to please her. However, it was different with her Paaji; he did show a softer side towards her. But because of Meera, he had to distance himself and harbour feelings of dislike towards her. She had tirelessly attempted to win his affection, losing count of the times she'd tried to melt his heart completely. Meanwhile, it seemed Meera effortlessly received everything Nehmat had ever dreamt of, without even needing to make an effort.

Nehmat was left speechless as Meera struck a nerve with her words. "So, Nehmat, get that in your mind: I get what I want, even if it's yours," Meera declared, her tone laced with an unsettling confidence.

Nehmat's eyes widened in realization, knowing exactly what Meera was referring to. She glanced quickly towards Shubman and Virat, who were engrossed in conversation. As Shubman briefly glanced at her with furrowed eyebrows before returning his attention to Virat, Nehmat couldn't help but wonder if they were discussing what she feared. Even if he didn't like her, her Paaji wouldn't do such a thing to her. She quickly dismissed the thought, telling herself it could be anything related to the game.

Meera's voice drew Nehmat's attention back to her. "You're smart, I must say," Meera remarked with a smirk.

Meera's words brought Nehmat to the brink of tears. Keeping her voice as low as possible, she mustered the courage to speak. "Meera, I warn you, dare you take him away from me. He won't fall in your trap. He loves me too much to do that," she said, hastily wiping away her tears, a mixture of fear and determination in her voice.

Meera's smirk widened, relishing Nehmat's vulnerability. "Oh, Nehmat, always so dramatic," she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But let's see what happen's in the end, shall we?" Nehmat's heart sank at Meera's words, the fear of losing what she held dear consuming her. But she refused to let Meera see her weakness, steeling herself for the battle ahead. With a defiant glare, she squared her shoulders and silently vowed to fight for what was hers, no matter the cost.

Nehmat's gaze shifted towards Shubman once again, seeking solace in his presence. He sighed, his eyes drifting out of the window, seemingly lost in thought. Virat caught her attention with a smile directed at Meera before turning his gaze towards Nehmat. For a brief moment, it seemed as though he was contemplating something his lips formed into a straught line, his eyes lingering on her before he finally looked forward again.

Nehmat tightened her grip on the handrest, determined to regain control over her racing thoughts. She focused on steady breaths, refusing to let the demons of her mind win this battle. With every ounce of her being, she wished for Shubman not to be swayed by someone else's influence. She was ready to do whatever it took to ensure that he remained by her side, where he belonged.

Nehmat's concentration was shattered by the ding of her phone, pulling her out of her intense thoughts. She glanced at the screen to find a message from Shubman and a smile forming on her lips as she read the words: "I am taking you on a date tonight." She knew that nothing could break them apart because he truly loved her.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now