𝟰𝟵. 𝗙𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗠𝗿𝘀. 𝗚𝗶𝗹𝗹

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Future Mrs.Gill

The next day had arrived when the three of them were supposed to leave. The entire previous day, she had clung to her boyfriend and family. Her mind wasn't working properly; instead of thinking about the next day, she simply enjoyed the time she had with her loved ones before they had to go back home. Shubman had already given her the tickets the day before, leaving the decision of what to do with them up to her. That night, she was practically glued to her boyfriend like a bear in bed. She felt like she might be annoying him, but he didn't mind at all because this was exactly what he had happily signed up for, for the rest of his life.

Fast forward to the present moment, she stood before her family, looking down and wiping her tears. Evelyn and the twins had returned the night before, which would make the house feel a bit less lonely. However, nothing could match the feeling of being with the people who meant the most to her. Even though Evelyn and the twins were there during her loneliest night, it wasn't the same as being with the family standing before her now—the saviours in her life, without whom she wouldn't be here.

Virat pulled his baby sister into his arms as she started to sob at his touch, not wanting to let go, just like on her first day of school when she clung to him, not wanting to leave his side.

Patting her head, Virat calmed her down. "The doors of our hearts are always open. You can come back whenever you want, baccha," he said, kissing her forehead.

She continued to hold the hem of his jacket, a habit she had developed because of her short height. It made her feel grounded, especially during emotional moments like this.

"Remember when I used to hold onto your shirt like this?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Virat smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "Of course, I do. You'd grip it so tightly, I thought you'd never let go."

She laughed softly through her tears. "I always felt safe with you."

"And you always will be," Virat replied, gently brushing a tear from her cheek. "No matter where you go or what you do, you'll always have us."

Jutting out her lower lip, she cried, "Do you really have to go? Can't you stay longer?"

Cupping her face, he bit his lip, his eyes reflecting her sadness. "Nation calls, nini. I have to go and play my part."

Her heart sank at his words, knowing the weight of his responsibilities. "But can't the nation wait just a little longer?"

Virat shook his head sadly. "I wish it could, but duty calls. But I promise, I'll be back before you know it."

She leaned into his touch, finding solace in his embrace. "I'll miss you every moment you're away."

Virat gently wiped away her tears, his voice filled with reassurance. "And I'll carry you in my heart wherever I go. You're my strength, remember that."

With a heavy heart, she nodded, trying to memorize every detail of his face before he had to leave. As he pulled away, she whispered, "Stay safe out there."

He smiled, a mixture of love and determination in his eyes. "Always."

Vamika and Anushka kissed her cheeks, reassuring her that they were okay with the decision not to come with them. However, despite their brave faces, Vamika was silently hiding her tears. She picked up her six-year-old niece and pressed her nose against hers, whispering, "Nini promises to be back soon."

Her niece wrapped her tiny arms around her neck, her eyes wide with innocence and trust. "You promise?"

Nehmat nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "I promise, sweetheart. Nini will be back before you know it."

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