𝟭𝟳. 𝗩𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗮'𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗣𝗮𝗰𝘁

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Chapter Seventeen: Vamika's Mischievous Pact

Three towering bodyguards, each standing at 6.5 feet tall, encircled Vamika and Nehmat. Vamika had concealed her face with a scarf and sunglasses, while Nehmat wore sunglasses and a cap. Despite Nehmat's request, her Paaji insisted on sending the bodyguards for their safety, fearing the risks that came with their fame. The imposing presence of the bodybuilders made it impossible for anyone not to notice their presence, much to Nehmat's dismay.

As they made their way through the crowd, Vamika nestled safely in Nehmat's arms, her face buried in her Nini's shoulders, ready to enter the airport gate. Nehmat turned to the bodyguards and said, "It's fine, you can leave from here. I will take care."

"But Ma'am, sir has instructed us to escort you until the departure gate," one of the bodyguards protested.

"Bhaiya, I will go with the army personnel. You can leave now, or else it will attract more attention. And don't worry, I will talk with Paaji that we had security around us," she reassured the tense-looking bodyguards.

Reluctantly, the bodyguards nodded, understanding Nehmat's insistence. With a last glance at Vamika and Nehmat, they melted into the bustling crowd, their towering figures gradually disappearing.

Feeling a sense of relief now that they were alone, Nehmat guided Vamika towards the departure gate, keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. Despite the anonymity provided by their disguises, Nehmat couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. The constant scrutiny that came with their fame was something they had grown accustomed to, but it never ceased to unsettle them.

As they approached the gate, Nehmat spotted a group of army personnel stationed nearby. With a sense of familiarity, Nehmat approached them, explaining the situation. The soldiers, recognizing Nehmat, offered their assistance without hesitation, understanding the need for discretion.

With the army personnel by their side, Nehmat and Vamika proceeded through the departure gate, blending into the throng of travellers. Nehmat breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the added security and the semblance of normalcy it provided.

Once onboard the plane and settled in business class, Vamika removed her scarf, breathing a sigh of relief. Though they could have opted for economy class, Virat insisted on upgrading their seats considering they were travelling alone. Nehmat had initially argued against the extravagance, especially for a flight from Mumbai to Delhi, but Virat's stern demeanour and unwavering insistence made Nehmat back down.

All they could do now was wait for their arrival in Delhi. As exhaustion washed over them, both Nehmat and Vamika drifted off to sleep. A short nap was all it took for Vamika to feel energized as they reached Delhi. Practically bouncing in the taxi, she watched the city pass by with eager eyes.

"Wow, Nehmat, look at all the buildings! Delhi is so big and busy," Vamika exclaimed with her baby enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to explore and see everything!" She leaned closer to the window, trying to take in every detail of the bustling cityscape.

Nehmat quickly texted Anushka and Virat informing them of their safe arrival. Then, stealing a glance at Vamika, who was still deeply engrossed in watching the passing scenery outside, she sent a message to Shubman, asking, "When will you come?"

Almost immediately, her phone buzzed with a reply. "Day after tomorrow. Will spend some time at home," he assured her.

Sending a quick "ok" and "love you" to her boy, Nehmat then turned her attention to Vamika, who was grinning mischievously at her.

Nehmat gulped nervously, realizing that Vamika had caught her blushing. She tried to play it cool, but Vamika's mischievous remark made her heart skip a beat.

"So that's where the most beautiful feature came from," Vamika said with a teasing grin.

"So, Nini, will you introduce me to him, or should I just give Dada a call?" Vamika teased, her grin widening mischievously.

As the taxi came to a halt, Nehmat paid the taxi driver and then turned to Vamika, gently taking her into her arms. "Come on, let's get inside," she said softly, controlling her blushing. "We can talk about it later, okay?"

"Nope, answer now," Vamika insisted with a playful glint in her eyes. "Or else, even a word to Dadi would work."

Nehmat gulped, feeling a bit cornered by Vamika's playful manipulation. She sighed, realizing she couldn't escape the conversation. "No word to anyone," she conceded, her voice softening. "I'll take you to meet him, but only if you promise not to say anything to Dadi or Paaji. And if you do slip up..."

Before Nehmat could finish, Vamika interrupted with a reassuring smile. "Nini and Vami's bond's promise, I won't," she declared firmly.

"Okay, then it's a deal," she agreed, feeling reassured by Vamika's promise.

Vamika couldn't contain her excitement as Nehmat rang the doorbell. "Finally meeting my fufa!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands eagerly. However, Nehmat's eyes immediately turned stern at Vamika's words. Sensing her Nini's warning, Vamika quickly gulped and gestured towards her mouth, mimicking the action of locking it and throwing away the key.

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