𝟭𝟱. 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲

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Chapter Fifteen: Most Beautiful Feature

Vamika's vacation felt white and grey without her beloved Nini by her side. Aware of Nini's new job and busy schedule, she couldn't shake off the sadness of not sharing moments of fun during her time off. As she reached for a blue crayon to colour the sky, Nini's favourite colour, the absence of her presence loomed large in Vamika's mind. Each activity seemed to echo memories of Nini, leaving Vamika feeling empty. Letting out a sigh, she attacked the paper with the crayon, trying to distract herself from the melancholy that surrounded her.

Anushka let out a heavy sigh as she observed Vamika vigorously colouring her paper with frustration evident on her face. Today was supposed to be a joyous occasion, with Virat and Nehmat returning, ready to surprise Vamika. However, seeing her daughter's intense reaction, Anushka couldn't help but feel concerned. Vamika's forceful scribbling reminded her of the fiery temper inherited from her father and Aunt Nini.

She realized that Vamika needed an outlet for her frustration to ensure a smoother transition to the surprise awaiting her. With a determined resolve, Anushka gently closed the door, shielding Vamika's tantrum from any outside interference. She understood the importance of Vamika being in a better mood for the surprise reunion with Virat and Nehmat. Now, all she could do was wait patiently for the return of the sibling duo, hoping that the surprise would bring the joy and excitement that Vamika needed.

On cue, fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang, prompting Anushka to check the security camera feed on her phone. A smile crept onto her face as she prepared to play her part in the surprise. Clearing her throat to compose her voice, she shouted, "Vamii, go open the door! Mumma is busy."

From inside, Vamika's voice rang out, "Mumma, I'm too busy colouring! Please, you open the door."

Anushka's eyes widened at Vamika's excuse, a chuckle escaping her lips at her daughter's cleverness. But there was no time to indulge in amusement. With a quick shake of her head to refocus, she hurried into the kitchen, determination etched on her features.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Anushka raised her voice, her tone firm and commanding as she called out, "Vamika, come here this instant! It's important."

As Anushka continued with her tasks in the kitchen, she soon heard the shuffling of Vamika's little feet moving reluctantly out of her room. Vamika wore an angry pout initially, clearly not pleased with the interruption to her colouring session. However, as she caught sight of her mother's stern expression, her demeanour quickly shifted. The angry pout transformed into a nervous yet sweet smile as she realized the seriousness on her mother's face.

As Vamika stood on her tippy toes, her little fingers grasping the doorknob, she strained to open the door with her tiny frame. With a determined effort, she managed to turn the knob, and the door creaked open slowly. Peeking through the crack, her eyes widened in surprise and delight as she saw her Nini and Daddy standing there, waiting patiently. With a joyful squeal, she quickly unlocked the safety latch and pushed the door open wide before bounding into her Nini's open arms.

Nehmat, already seated on her knees, wore a warm smile, her arms outstretched in anticipation of Vamika's embrace.

As Vamika flew into her arms, her exuberance catching Nehmat off guard, she stumbled backwards, landing with a soft thud on the ground. Laughter bubbled up from Nehmat's lips, her joy mirroring Vamika's infectious excitement. Wrapping her arms tightly around her niece, Nehmat squeezed her close, revelling in the warmth of their bond.

"Whoa there, little whirlwind," Nehmat chuckled, brushing a stray lock of hair away from Vamika's face. "You nearly knocked me over with that hug!"

Vamika's lips quivered with emotion as she buried her face in Nehmat's neck, her voice barely above a whisper. "I missed you so much," she murmured, her words muffled against Nehmat's skin.

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