𝟮𝟵. 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀, 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Repeating Tales, New Hearts

Nehmat adjusted her dress, checking her reflection in the mirror. She felt a rush of excitement knowing he was taking her out on a date, especially after the panic she had felt during the flight. She couldn't believe she had misunderstood him earlier, and now she was kicking herself for it.

The elevator dinged as it reached the ground floor, its doors opening to reveal him waiting there, looking as good as ever. As she walked towards him, she stood on her tiptoes, despite already wearing heels. Leaning in, she kissed his cheeks.

His hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her close, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Holding her close, he gently caressed her cheeks with his thumbs, locking eyes with her. "Ready?" he asked, smiling. Returning the smile, she leaned into his touch and replied, "Always."

Interlacing her fingers with his, they walked out together. He knew her preferences well, and the setting he had chosen for the night was perfect. As they ordered food and ate, she kept rambling about random things, and he listened attentively, occasionally chiming in with "hmms" and nods. At times, he even fed her, knowing she had drifted off into her own world. It was always like this, her talking and him listening, a comfortable rhythm they had settled into over time.

She couldn't resist stealing a kiss while he was indulging in his ice cream. The chocolate syrup smeared on his lips made him irresistible, drawing her in despite his distraction.

As their lips met, a spark ignited between them, sending a rush of excitement through their bodies. She savoured the sweet taste of chocolate mingled with his lips, a delightful combination that left her wanting more. He blushed and licked his lips as he dug into another scoop of ice cream, which made her laugh.

After those stolen kisses and blushes, dinner came to a close. As they walked back to the hotel, their hands intertwined, they soaked in the tranquil beauty of the coastline. Her head found a comfortable perch on his bicep, a gesture of intimacy and contentment as they strolled along together, relishing each other's company in the peaceful night air.

As they walked back to the hotel, he gently wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. With a tender touch, he turned her around to face him, their bodies close and their hearts beating in sync. He lifted his hand to delicately touch his forehead to hers, a gentle and affectionate gesture that made her close her eyes in pure bliss.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at her face, struggling to find the words. Finally, he choked out, "How long have you been playing this game?"

She opened her eyes, her expression a mix of confusion and concern. A gasp escaped her mouth as she cupped his face, searching his eyes for answers. "What happened?" she asked, her voice trembling with worry.

He chuckled bitterly, salty tears trickling down his cheek as his words intertwined with emotion. "Pretending, are we?" he murmured.

Nehmat emerged in shock, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Pretending what?" she questioned, her voice laced with concern and bewilderment.

Shubman held her arms firmly, his voice tinged with frustration and hurt. "Enough of these games, Nehmat. Enough," he uttered, his words weighted with emotion.

Nehmat's eyes widened in surprise at Shubman's sudden outburst. She could sense the intensity of his emotions, his words cutting through her like a knife. "Shubman, what do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling with concern as she searched his face for any sign of explanation.

Shubman took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside him. He released Nehmat's arms and stepped back, his gaze heavy with a mixture of pain and resignation. "I mean," he began, his voice softer now but still tinged with bitterness, "how long have you been pretending that this... whatever this is between us, means nothing?"

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