𝟯𝟰. 𝗦𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Soothe Cold Hearts

Virat was intensely focused, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he delved into every piece of information he could find about the brand. A steaming cup of coffee sat untouched beside him as he ignored everything else, his eyes fixed on the glowing screen in front of him, searching for any clue that might lead him to his missing sister.

"Virat, your coffee," Anushka said, but her words fell on deaf ears. She tried again, but still no response. Finally, she had to close his laptop to get his attention.

"What?" Virat huffed, irritated.

"I've been trying to get you to drink your coffee for the past five minutes. What's so important that you can't even take a break?" Anushka asked, arms crossed in frustration.

Virat pushed his glasses up on his nose, rubbing his tired eyes before finally reaching for the untouched coffee. He grasped the handle, running his thumb along its rim, feeling the warmth seep into his skin as if it could somehow bolster his resolve to broach the subject. Meeting his wife's gaze, he began hesitantly, "I think I might have found something about Nehmat..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Anushka threw her arms up in frustration, her expression betraying her impatience. "Don't start with that hope again. You've said it so many times before, but it only ends in disappointment, for both Vamika and me. So, spare us from that," she said firmly.

Virat's face crumpled in frustration. "Anu, I know I've said it many times before, and I understand how Nehmat's searches have led to nothing but disappointment. But this time, I'm certain about it," he insisted, his voice tinged with determination.

Anushka chuckled bitterly and replied, "And what's so different this time?"

Virat took a sip of his coffee, letting the warm liquid flow down his throat, sending a sensation of heat spreading across his chest, dispelling any lingering hesitation. "It feels the same as the first time when I was drawn to the baby's ward in the orphanage. And yesterday, when I saw the imprinted words on that bottle, it drew me in the same way," he explained earnestly.

Anushka dropped her guarded demeanour and spoke up, "Be clear, what exactly are you talking about?"

Virat placed the coffee back on the table and leaned down below the desk to retrieve the wine bottle, causing Anushka to gasp and narrow her eyes. "You've been drinking?" she questioned, her tone a mix of surprise and disapproval.

Virat almost dropped the bottle in surprise at Anushka's gasp. "What? No, it's not what you think. It's just something I saw when I went to grab Shubman from the bar. You know I've quit drinking a long time ago," he explained quickly, trying to reassure her.

Anushka scanned him, trying to gauge if he was telling the truth. His eyes held sincerity, and she nodded in response. "Okay, fine, I trust you. But what does this bottle have to do with Nehmat?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Rolling the bottle in his hand, Virat turned around to show Anushka the words on the label. "These words are the same as the ones that were in Nehmat's bedroom, with the same sign," he explained, pointing out the similarity.

Anushka examined the contents closely. Indeed, they bore the same words that Nehmat had in her bedroom, framed alongside other items. But was it enough to prove it was her? Looking up at Virat, she asked, "Is this really enough to find Nehmat? How does this prove it's her?"

Virat bit his lip, trying to suppress a smile, which prompted Anushka to ask, "What's so funny?" Virat smiled before pointing to the brand name on the bottle. "How could I forget? Her favourite cartoon character was the mischievous five-year-old," he explained, his smile widening at the memory.

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