𝟰𝟴. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝘀𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿

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Chapter Forty-Eight: The Wisdom Spreader

Her eyes opened, and she saw the clock on the wall glowing in the dark, showing 5:30. She rubbed her eyes to adjust to the darkness and tried to turn onto her back, but her movement was restricted by a pair of strong arms. Pouting, she looked up to see his peaceful, sleeping face. His mouth was half-open, and his hair was ruffled, making him look so cute that she couldn't resist giving his nose a quick kiss. As she did so, his mouth curled into a small smile, and he buried his face in the pillow, blushing in his sleep.

She chuckled at the sight of the 6'1" man lying next to her. The same man who wouldn't be so romantic in front of others was a complete marshmallow when they were alone. Her face turned into a frown as she recalled their conversation on the terrace. She wanted to wake up to this peaceful face and strong arms every day, but she didn't want to leave these mountains that had become her new peace over the last three years. Resting her face on his chest, she listened to his rhythmic heartbeat, trying to sort through her jumbled thoughts to make a choice.

Sighing, she pulled back; being in his arms wasn't helping her clear her mind—it was just making her think in his favour. She needed to think practically to make a decision. With a lot of strength, she got away from his embrace, making him whine in his sleep. Leaning forward, she kissed his cheek and patted his head to keep him from waking up. Swinging her legs off the bed, she made sure he was covered with a blanket before heading to the bathroom to freshen up for a walk that could clear her mind.

After freshening up and putting on a pair of fresh clothes, she looked at his sleeping form one more time before moving. She silently walked through the house, making sure not to disturb anyone. Her steps halted when she heard some shuffling noises coming from the kitchen. Noticing the kitchen lights were on, she moved inside and saw a little pair of feet behind the open refrigerator door. Quietly moving forward, she saw the little mischief-maker searching for something inside. Tapping her fingers on the small shoulder, she made the child turn around swiftly with a funny yelp.

"Oh, Nini, it's you," Vamika said, placing a hand on her chest.

"Yes, it's me. And what are you doing here so early in the morning?" Nehmat questioned.

"I was hungry, and yes, before you ask, I have brushed and freshened up," Vamika clarified.

Nehmat nodded, satisfied, and gestured for Vamika to step aside so she could look inside the refrigerator and see what she could feed a six-year-old in the morning. There were bread, fruits, and other items that would take time to prepare. Deciding on a healthier option, she washed an apple and handed it to Vamika, who poked her tongue out a bit, not satisfied with the choice. Before she could argue, Nehmat firmly said, "I'm not letting you have junk in the morning."

Sighing, Vamika agreed, knowing there was no use arguing with her older Kohli, as the battle would go on. Biting into the juicy fruit, she felt her hunger subsiding and smiled, looking up and giving a thumbs up.

"Would you like to walk up the hill with me?" Nehmat asked, turning around to fill a bottle, knowing the answer would be a resounding yes. She was right—a muffled yes came from Vamika, who spoke with a piece of apple in her mouth.

Quickly writing a sticky note, Nehmat rushed upstairs to her brother's room, who was snoring loudly, while her bhabhi had cotton plugged in her ears. She chuckled at the couple, placing the sticky note on the bedside table, which mentioned she was taking Vamika with her for a walk.

Both aunt and niece walked out of the house, greeting the security personnel, who smiled, seeing Nehmat happy after so long. As Vamika kept eating her apple, fully focused, Nehmat kept a tight hold on her hand to ensure she was walking up the hill safely.

Finally, after half an hour of walking, they reached the top, with Vamika ready to slump on the ground. But Nehmat held her up and made her lie down with her legs stretched out in front, not wanting her to get her clothes dirty.

Vamika gulped half the bottle of water in one go, huffing while Nehmat patted her chest to calm her down. "You should start exercising, lazy bee," Nehmat teased.

"I will, I will, Nini. Let me turn eight, and I will surely do it," Vanika said, resting her head on Nehmat's chest.

They sat in silence, watching the sun rise above the horizon. Nehmat pulled Vamika closer, hugging her and resting her chin on the top of her head. Tomorrow, the three of them would be back in India, and she would be alone again, watching the sunrise and hoping to reunite with her loved ones once more. Sensing the change in Nehmat's demeanour, Vamika asked, "Is there something bothering you, Nini?"

Letting out a huge breath, Nehmat answered, "Yes."

"What is it?" asked Vamika, encircling her arms around Nehmat, who rested her hands on her stomach, both of them watching the sun.

"SG asked me if I am coming to India tomorrow," Nehmat answered, closing her eyes, and letting the rays of the sun give her some warmth and peace.

"And your answer?" Vamika asked once more.

"No," replied Nehmat, licking her lips as if trying to muster up some courage.

"Hmm, acceptable," Vamika agreed to her decision.

Confused, Nehmat looked down at her niece and asked, "Don't you want your Nini to return home?"

"As much as the idea looks good, I don't want to force you into something," Vamika said, turning sideways and resting her cheeks on Nehmat's chest.

Tears welled up in Nehmat's eyes as she realized she might not be able to fulfil her little darling's wish.

Vamika continued, "I know you are scared to face the things you left and the judgmental looks, even though you forgave Dada and SG."

Letting out a few tears, Nehmat rested her cheek on Vamika's head. "My Vamii has grown so big. She is 60 years old in the body of a 6-year-old." She remembered the three-year-old Vamika who was sobbing and crying when she shifted to the rented house, now advising her to listen to her heart.

Vamika whined, "I am not old, Nini," her childishness peeking through her mature demeanour.

Nehmat chuckled, wiping her tears. "Oh, no no, I meant your wisdom and words."

Vamika dramatically stood up, patting Nehmat's head. "Oh, kid, I am born with wisdom; it's activated after the age of 5 and just spreads wherever I go."

Nehmat laughed, gently spanking Vamika back as she pulled her closer and tickled her, throwing the little wisdom spreader into fits of laughter. After three minutes of begging Nehmat to stop her tickles, her Nini finally relented, while Vamika huffed, trying to catch her breath from laughing. The morning was blessed with the pure laughter of the six-year-old wisdom spreader. Even the sun seemed to melt at the pure connection between aunt and niece, allowing the cold winds to kiss their cheeks and remove any traces of negativity.

As the cold winds played their part, both their laughter calmed down. Vamika looked up at Nehmat with all the love in the world. "Do think about SG's offer, Nini. I will be waiting to sit on your lap next to SG that has been permanently booked for you."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now