𝟭𝟵. 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀

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Chapter Nineteen: Front Seat Stories

Mumma Kohli remained silent about Meera after Nehmat's emotional outburst. Pressing the topic further would only frustrate Nehmat and make her more emotional, which she didn't want to happen. She wanted this week's vacation to be a happy time. Currently, Nehmat, Vamika, and Mumma Kohli are trying to weave flowers out of wool. The other two were doing it effortlessly, but Vamika was only tangling herself further in the wool.

"I can't do it! Why is this so hard?" Vamika complained, her frustration evident.

Nehmat chuckled softly, her laughter like a gentle breeze. "Come on, Vamika, it's not that difficult. Here, let me show you again."

But Vamika's frustration only seemed to grow. "But I keep messing up! It's not fair. Why can't I do it like you and Dadi?"

Nehmat couldn't help but laugh at Vamika's persistence. "Because you're still learning, silly. Rome wasn't built in a day."

Vamika pouted, her bottom lip protruding in a dramatic display of disappointment. "But I want to be good at it now!"

Nehmat laughed loudly as she looked at Vamika tangled in the wool, finding the sight amusing. Vamika's frustrated whines and cries only made her laugh harder.

Eventually, Vamika climbed into Mumma Kohli's lap, still crying. "Dadi, look at Nini, she's making fun of me," she complained, pointing accusingly at Nehmat.

Mumma Kohli's expression turned stern as she scolded Nehmat. "Nehmat, stop teasing. She's trying her best. Show some patience and help her instead of laughing at her."

Despite Mumma Kohli's stern scolding, Nehmat continued to laugh, finding it difficult to contain her amusement. Vamika's tears only seemed to intensify, her cries echoing through the room. Mumma Kohli's patience wore thin as she fixed Nehmat with a stern gaze.

"Nehmat!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp with reprimand. "I mean it. Stop laughing this instant."

Nehmat's laughter gradually subsided as she realized the seriousness of Mumma Kohli's tone. She cast a guilty glance at Vamika, who was still sniffling in Mumma Kohli's arms. Feeling remorseful, Nehmat reached out and gently patted Vamika's back.

Sighing, Nehmat pulled Vamika into her arms, feeling her warmth as she settled against her. "Nini is sorry," she whispered softly, her voice laced with genuine regret.

Vamika, sensing the shift in Nehmat's demeanour, allowed herself to be comforted, snuggling closer without complaint. However, wanting a bit more attention, she decided to pretend to be sad. Nehmat noticed the subtle change in Vamika's expression but couldn't help but smile, seeing through her facade.

With a playful glint in her eyes, Nehmat began peppering Vamika's cheeks with gentle kisses, causing the little one to giggle uncontrollably. Nehmat swayed gently from side to side, holding Vamika close.

As Mumma Kohli watched Nehmat envelop Vamika in a warm embrace, a sense of contentment washed over her. Seeing Nehmat so happy with her granddaughter was a balm to her worries. Nehmat, who had often spent her time alone, lacking friends, had always been a concern for Mumma Kohli. But now, witnessing the bond between Nehmat and Vamika, she felt a sense of peace settle within her.

Noticing a different kind of glow on Nehmat's face, Mumma Kohli couldn't help but smile knowingly. It was the glow of being in love. She had observed Nehmat secretly texting someone special late at night and noticed the excitement in Nehmat's demeanour yesterday as she made plans to meet this person.

Mumma Kohli's heart swelled with happiness for Nehmat. After all the hardships she had endured, seeing her find love and joy was a blessing. She silently prayed that this newfound happiness would continue to blossom and fill Nehmat's life with warmth and fulfilment.

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