𝟰𝟱. 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗚𝗶𝗳𝘁, 𝗡𝗲𝗵𝗺𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝘀𝗵

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Chapter Forty-Five: Virat's Gift, Nehmat's Wish

"I am pregnant," Anushka said with a big smile. A loud cheer burst from Vamika as she ran around the living room. Shubman hugged Anushka while Nehmat squealed, jumping up and down, and kissed Anushka on the cheek. "I'm gonna be an aunt again!" she exclaimed. Virat, however, sat dumbfounded, making Anushka frown. "Aren't you happy?" she asked.

Virat, snapping out of his stupor, looked at Anushka with tears welling up in his eyes. "Of course I'm happy," he said, his voice breaking slightly. He stood up and walked over to her, gently placing a hand on her stomach. "I was just so surprised. This is amazing news." Anushka's frown turned into a smile as she saw the emotion in his eyes. "We're going to be parents again," he whispered, pulling her into a tight hug. "I can't wait for this new adventure with you."

Nehmat's eyebrows furrowed as she remembered something. "Weren't you drinking wine a day ago, Bhabhi?" she asked.

Anushka rolled her eyes. "Did you really think I did, Nehmat?"

"So it was just..." Nehmat's eyes travelled to Virat for a split second, who kept caressing Anushka's belly.

"Yes, it's exactly what you think," Anushka said, nodding dramatically.

Nehmat pressed her eyes together, momentarily trying distract herself, when Vamika's loud cheer broke her out of her trance.

"Mumma, I'm so happy! Now I can show Khushi from my class that I have a sibling too, and I'll tie rakhi to them," Vamika said, puffing her chest proudly.

Anushka laughed, pulling Vanika into a hug. "Yes, sweetie, you'll have a sibling soon, and you can tie rakhi to them," she said, kissing the top of Vamika's head.

Shubman, poking his tongue out in confusion, asked, "You don't even know if it's a boy or not."

Vamika, putting her little fist on her waist, said, "I know that, but I don't care who my sibling is." Her words were indirectly directed at Virat and Nehmat, who gulped, avoiding each other's gazes.

Nehmat, trying to avoid the topic, perched her chin on her fist. "You know, Bhabhi, I guess I will have a new favourite now."

Vamika made a shocked face, climbing into Nehmat's lap and holding her face. "You did not just say that," she protested.

Nehmat, with teasing eyes, leaned towards her, touching their foreheads. "Oh yes, Vamiiiii," she said playfully.

Vamika narrowed her eyes, squishing her face, and warned, "I'm supposed to be the first and special favourite, then others get that."

Nehmat couldn't resist teasing Vamika a little more. "Well, you'll always be my first favourite, but who knows, maybe the new baby will be even more special," she teased, winking mischievously.

Vamika gasped dramatically, clutching her chest. "No way! I'm irreplaceable," she declared with mock seriousness.

Nehmat laughed at Vamika's theatrics, playing along with the fun. "Of course, you're irreplaceable, Vamika," she said, feigning a serious tone. "But who knows, maybe the new baby will bring something special that even you haven't thought of."

Vamika raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider Nehmat's words. "Hmm, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," she conceded, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Shubman chuckled from the side and said, "Don't worry, Vamika, you will always be our first child."

Nehmat blushed at Shubman's comment, which caught Anushka's attention. She raised her eyebrows teasingly and remarked, "Child, huh? Just now you guys mended things and already thinking about the future?"

Nehmat bit her lip, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Shush, Bhabhi, we'll talk about Vamika's cousins later," she said, shooting a playful glare at Anushka. Then, she turned to Shubman. "And you too, stop right now. Don't jump your plane into the air already. Let it first take the runway," she advised him.

Shubman nodded understandingly and leaned in to kiss Nehmat's forehead affectionately, silently assuring her that he would follow her lead.

Vamika turned Nehmat's face towards her, her eyes shining with excitement. "Nini, do you have the gift ribbon?" she asked eagerly.

Nehmat crinkled her forehead in confusion at Vamika's question. "Why do you need the gift ribbon?" she asked curiously.

Vamika whined, her impatience showing. "Just tell me, do you have it or not?" she insisted, her eyes pleading for an answer.

Nehmat, still puzzled by Vamika's urgency, nodded slowly. "Yes, I have some gift ribbons. But why do you need it so urgently, Vamika?" she asked, her curiosity growing.

Vamika's eyes widened with excitement as she grabbed Nehmat's hand. "Come with me, Nini, it's a surprise!" she exclaimed, tugging Nehmat.

As Nehmat led Vamika towards the ribbon placed in her room, she grabbed a bunch of it. Nehmat always made sure to have a good supply, as she often sent bottles of wine to parties as gifts, always tastefully wrapped.

Nehmat watched with fascination as Vamika expertly selected the ribbon, her mind racing with the surprise she had in mind. They made their way back to the living room where the rest of the family was gathered.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Vamika whispered excitedly to Nehmat, "You'll see, Nini, this is going to be the best surprise ever!" Nehmat smiled at Vamika's enthusiasm, eager to see what creative idea she had come up with.

With a single ribbon in hand, Vamika made her way towards Anushka while Nehmat sat close to Shubman, watching Vamika intently. What she did next melted everybody's heart. She carefully wrapped the gift ribbon around Anushka's belly and whispered gently, "Happy Rakshabandhan, little one," before planting a tender kiss on Anushka's belly.

Anushka's eyes filled with tears of joy as she hugged Vamika tightly, overwhelmed by the sweetness of the gesture. Shubman wiped away a tear, deeply touched by the moment.

Nehmat and Virat trembled, both biting their lips as they watched the heartwarming scene unfold. Nehmat resisted the urge to jump into her brother's arms and act like a five-year-old. Virat's wrist itched, longing for the presence of the thread of love, while Nehmat's fingers itched to tie something meaningful.

Both of them watched Anushka's belly, tears streaming down their faces, deeply immersed in the moment. They were so lost in their emotions that they didn't realize the three pairs of eyes watching them.

Virat's mind wandered back to the day of their first Rakshabandhan, when Nehmat, dressed in a Punjabi suit, waddled towards him with a beaming smile on her face. Her little body radiated joy, her bunny teeth and dimples adding to her infectious charm. He remembered how their mother had helped little Nehmat try to tie the thread, both of them giggling as they fiddled with it.

As he reminisced, a wave of emotion washed over him, the memories flooding back with vivid clarity. He could still feel the warmth of Nehmat's tiny hands as she struggled to tie the thread, her laughter echoing in his ears. And then, finally, the moment when she had managed to tie it, her eyes sparkling with pride as she happily clapped and hugged him tightly.

Tears welled up in Virat's eyes as he relived that precious memory, his heart swelling with love for his little sister.

Nehmat couldn't help but miss those moments dearly, especially as she watched Anushka and Vamika share such a touching moment. Deep down, she longed to share a similar bond with Virat again, but her wounded pride and lingering feelings of betrayal made it difficult for her to reconcile those emotions. She wanted to tie that thread on Rakshabandhan, but it had to come from a place of genuine love and sincerity, not just for the sake of tradition. It was a battle within herself, torn between her desire to mend their relationship and her struggle to let go of the hurt and disappointment she felt.

Virat, his mind still dwelling in the past, unknowingly called out, "What gift do you want, Nehmat?" His voice carried a hint of longing, a reflection of the cherished memories of their past Rakshabandhan celebrations.

Lost in her own reverie of happier times, Nehmat heard the question as if it echoed from the depths of her wounded heart. Despite the darkness that threatened to consume her, there was still a flicker of energy within her, fighting against the despair. With a voice tinged with emotion, she murmured softly, "You, Paaji."

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