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Tugging his collar nervously, Shubman stood at Geneva Airport with Kohli's. "Will she even entertain us, Paaji?" he asked, directing his words towards the male figure beside him.

Virat gulped, glancing nervously at Shubman. "From the information I gathered, there's a Mrs. Rose who looks after the yard and assists her. Word has it she's not very friendly. If you don't mean business, she won't let you stand there for a minute."

Anushkha rolled her eyes at the two males. "If you're finished with your assumptions about how she won't entertain us, can we please get moving?"

Virat whined, "But Anu if we can't even stand there, what's the point of coming all the way from India to here?"

Vamika huffed, looking at her father. "Daddy, will you please stop making assumptions and give it a try? Don't just let her go like you did three years ago. Please, let's not miss this chance. I can't bear to let go of the opportunity to be with my Nini again."

Vamika held her mother's hand tightly and led her towards the waiting car. Virat sighed heavily and followed behind his wife and daughter, silently praying for the chance to reunite with his sister. Meanwhile, Shubman lingered for a moment, gazing out at the snow-clad mountains. It was exactly as Nehmat had drawn four years ago-an escape from loneliness, a place to learn to be quiet so everyone could find peace amidst her nonsensical talks. Oh, how wrong she had been. She had thought her absence brought peace to their lives, yet it only disrupted the peace between them. In reality, she was their source of peace. He wished upon the mountains that had sheltered Nehmat for the past three years, pleading for them to return her to them, to restore their blessing and lift the curse of strained relations.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now