𝟭𝟲. 𝗗𝗲𝗹𝗵𝗶 𝗜𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴

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Chapter Sixteen: Delhi Incoming

She kissed her little niece's forehead before looking into her eyes. "I don't know what the feature is about, but I hope we find out soon."

"Hehe, sure," Vamika said, giggling and covering her mouth.

When Anushka's voice rang through the house, Vamika was about to whine about the vacation plans. "Nehmat, Vanika, come on, lunch is ready!"

Excitedly, Nehmat scooped Vamika up in her arms, causing Vamika to whine as she hadn't finished speaking. "Nini, listen!"

"Vamiii, later, bacha. Punjabi food is the priority now," Nehmat said, kissing Vamika's cheeks, which only made her pout and sulk.

As the four of them sat only three of them excitedly ate with little Vamii nibbling her food and pouting causing Nehmat to look at her with furrowed eyebrows "Why aren't you eating such tasty food?"

"Because my vacations are almost over, and we haven't gone anywhere," she said, her lips quivering, causing everyone to pause.

She looked at her Mum and Dad, tears streaming down her face. "School will start in a week, and I haven't been anywhere except for parks and malls."

"And Nini, you weren't here to have fun," she said, burying her face on the dining table, crying.

Nehmat's heart sank as he looked at his favourite girl crying. She picked her up in her arms and rocked her back and forth as Vamika sobbed, wetting Nehmat's t-shirt, which she couldn't care less about.

Nehmat noticed Virat gulping, knowing he had shoots scheduled for a straight week and would be free afterwards. She gently lifted Vamika's face, wiping her tears with her thumb. "How about we go to Delhi, to Dadi's house?"

Vamika's tear-streaked face brightened at the mention of her Dadi's house. "Really, Nini? Can we go?"

Nehmat smiled softly at Vami's hopeful expression. "Yes, sweetheart. We can go spend some time with Dadi and have lots of fun together."

Vamika's eyes lit up with excitement, and she wrapped her arms around Nehmat's neck. "Yay! Thank you, Nini!"

As Vamika cheered with joy, Anushka bit her lip. "I... I'm sorry, my love. I can't come with you. I have work commitments and shoots lined up, and also, how would you take care of her, Nehmat, considering how naughty she is?"

"Mumma, I am not naughty," Vanmika protested, puffing out her cheeks.

Nehmat chuckled, amused by Vamika's quick defence despite not minding being called naughty just a few minutes ago. "Well, bhabhi, don't worry. I'll take care of this cutie," she reassured Anushka, laying her head on Vamika's head and hugging her tightly.

Seeing Vamika's excitement, Anushka couldn't resist her daughter's enthusiasm. Sighing, she looked at both Nehmat and Vamika, issuing a warning. "No mischief and you better promise to video call me every day, with a message every hour."

Virat nodded in agreement. "Agreed," he said, affirming their commitment to staying connected and ensuring Vamika's safety and well-being during their trip.

Vamika spoke softly to Nehmat, "Hehe, it's time for fun."

"It is," Nehmat giggled, joining in with Vamika, which caused both Virat and Anushka to look at them with raised eyebrows. Both Nehmat and Vamika quickly coughed loudly, with Vamika returning to her chair to eat her food. As soon as Anushka and Virat were preoccupied with their conversations, Nehmat and Vamika exchanged mischievous smiles.

As soon as their meals ended, they helped clear the table, and then both rushed to Nehmat's room. Anushka shook her head, knowing these two were already up to mischief. But she trusted Nehmat to take care of Vamika with her whole being. She knew they just needed a stern warning to stay in line.

"I hope Nehmat will take care of Vamika properly," Virat said, watching as Nehmat's room, where both of them had rushed off to, remained occupied.

"I trust Nehmat," Anushka said, leaning against the counter, her gaze lingering on Nehmat's room. "It's just that a little scolding is necessary, so they keep their mischief in check." She chuckled softly, knowing that Nehmat's loving care for Vamika was unwavering, but a gentle reminder about responsibility wouldn't hurt.

In Nehmat's room, both of them excitedly planned their Delhi vacation. Nehmat booked tickets while Vamika bounced excitedly on the bed, asking every now and then if it was done. "Is it done?" she'd ask, eagerly checking in after every minute.

Nehmat gently bumped her forehead against Vamika's, saying, "Darling, it takes time." She smiled warmly at Vamika's impatience.

"Done," Nehmat announced after 10 minutes of sorting everything out. By that time, Vamika had grown bored and was lying on the bed. Finally getting up, she asked eagerly, "So, it's time for Delhi's streets and our adventure, right?"

"Absolutely, Vamika!" Nehmat replied with a grin, mirroring her excitement. "We'll explore Delhi's streets, visit Dadi, and have the best time together."

Vamika's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Yay! I can't wait to see Dadi and play with her!"

Nehmat chuckled, ruffling Vamika's hair affectionately. "She's going to be thrilled to see you too, sweetheart. Now, let's get packing and make sure we don't forget anything!"

With renewed energy, Vamika dashed off to her room to gather her favourite toys and clothes for the trip, while Nehmat began organizing their essentials.

Nehmat saw Vamika running to her room before texting quickly "Delhi incoming wanna swipe?"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now