𝟯𝟴. 𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻 𝗩𝗮𝗶𝗻

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Pleading In Vain

Passing through the path filled with trees and plants, Vamika called out for her aunt. After what seemed like an eternity of shouting and walking along the long entrance path, Vamika stopped huffing, in front of the field, her eyes searching for her Nini. Far at the end, where the sun meets the horizon, stood a silhouette watching over the field. Vamika's heart started beating fast when she realized who it was. She was ready to run through the field again but was stopped by an arm. She knew it was the person who had been asking her to stop for the past three minutes, but she had ignored all the calls. Now that she was finally caught, she had to listen.

"Excuse me, missy, you cannot run like this on the property," Mrs Rose scolded, holding Vamika's arm gently yet tight enough to prevent her from running away again.

"Please, ma'am, let me meet her, please," Vamika cried, trying to free herself from Mrs. Rose's grip as she looked at the silhouette moving slowly in the field.

"No, I can't. Come on, let's go out," Mrs. Rose said, pulling Vamika away. Just then, they were stopped by three figures who had been running behind them, now huffing and puffing as they came to a halt, seeing Vamika caught.

"How did you three enter?" Mrs Rose asked angrily.

"The guard let us in because Vamika was alone in here," Virat said, catching his breath.

Mrs. Rose huffed muttering "Jacob and Christopher need a lesson not to let anyone in" Glaring at the three figures Mrs.Rose said again "Now three of you let go out and even you missy" She said with stern eyes at Vamika who was crying and was getting the grip free.

"No, I won't! I won't!" Vamika cried out, but Mrs Rose pulled her towards her parents despite her resistance. Turning away, Vanika shouted loudly, "Niniiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Shubman, Virat, and Anushka all looked toward the field where Vamika had shouted. Her loud, longing cry made even Mrs. Rose halt in shock, unable to process her thoughts further. The silhouette stopped and turned around, pausing for a minute before slowly walking forward. As the face became clearer, Virat and Anushka let out loud sobs and held each other tightly. Shubman tried to catch his breath and noticed how she looked even more radiant in the sunlight. Her hair was pulled into a bun, with two strands falling loosely like snow on a mountain, and her glasses rested on the brim of her nose as her gaze met theirs. They couldn't see her clearly, but Shubman could still make out her familiar features, including the clothes she was wearing: shorts and a loose shirt tucked in.

Vamika yanked her hands-free from the grip and sprinted onto the field, and this time, no one stopped her. Running as fast as she could, she jumped over bumps and dodged every obstacle until she finally reached her Nini, who looked down at her with no expression. Hugging her Nini's leg tightly, Vamika cried out loud, "I missed you, Nini! I missed you so much."

With her chin now resting on Nehmat's hip bone, Vamika looked up at her, but Nehmat just stared back, not saying a word. "Nini, talk to me, please! Say something, Nini," Vamika pleaded, tugging on the hem of Nehmat's shirt.

Vamika's heart sank as Nehmat remained silent, her expression unreadable. Desperation welled up inside her as she searched for any sign of recognition or response.

"Nini, it's me, Vamika," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Don't you remember me? Please, say something."

But Nehmat continued to gaze down at her, unmoving. It was as if she was lost in a world of her own, unreachable and distant. Tears streamed down Vamika's cheeks as she struggled to comprehend the silence from the person she had missed so dearly.

Gently taking Vamika's arm, still not speaking, Nehmat led her out of the field, while Vamika continued to talk incessantly. As they reached outside the field, Nehmat handed Vamika over to Mrs. Rose. All of them watched Nehmat intently, wondering what she was about to do. Then, in a small yet stern voice, she spoke.

"Evelyn, please escort the females outside respectfully, and for the males, do what your heart wants," she said without meeting anyone's gaze, already starting to move towards the house.

Hearts broke, including Evelyn's, as she had hoped Nehmat would have her heart melted upon seeing her family. Instead, she retained the same cold, stone-like gaze and demeanour she remembered from when she first saw her. Vamika's eyes widened in shock as she saw her Nini so cold-hearted. Quickly, she leapt and clung to Nehmat's leg before anyone could stop her.

"No, I'm not leaving you! Please don't do this, Nini. I love you, we love you," Vamika pleaded desperately.

Nehmat spoke again, this time in a stern voice, "Evelyn!" But Evelyn didn't move an inch, her gaze fixed on the little girl pleading and wailing. "Nini, please! I love you, Nini. The house is empty without you. Please come back," Vamika cried out desperately.

Shubman and  Virat had no words; they only had tears as they watched Nehmat's cold-hearted demeanour. But Anushka gathered some courage and spoke up, "Nehmat, please talk to us." However, Nehmat raised her hand halfway, then abruptly stopped and spoke a bit louder and more sternly, "Evelyn!"

Evelyn shook herself out of her daze and quickly separated Vamika, who was still trying to clutch onto Nehmat. But Vamika's grip, no matter how strong, was no match for an elder's. As soon as Vamika was separated, Nehmat started to walk inside the house. Vamika, desperate, jumped and fought against Evelyn's grip, causing her to fall from Evelyn's grasp and land on the ground. Her knee hit a rock, slicing her skin, and a loud yelp escaped her mouth. "Ouch, Nini!" she cried out in pain.

Nehmat immediately stopped in her tracks. Though she seemed immune to most pains, Vamika's cries pierced through. Turning back immediately, she picked Vamika up and led her inside the house. Vamika clung to her in pain, and Nehmat hurriedly rushed her to the couch. She was quicker than the other four in rushing to Vamika's aid, as she always had been. Kneeling in front of her, Nehmat said firmly, "Bring me the first aid kit quickly, Evelyn."

As Evelyn hurried to fetch the first aid kit, Nehmat gently cradled Vamika in her arms, comforting her as best as she could. Despite her earlier cold demeanour, Nehmat's actions now spoke of a deep concern and care for her niece.

Shubman, Virat and Anushka hovered nearby, their expressions a mix of worry and relief. They watched as Nehmat tended to Vamika, silently grateful for her change in demeanour.

Evelyn soon returned with the first aid kit, and Nehmat swiftly began to clean and dress Vamika's wounds. Vaikma, still clinging to Nehmat, winced in pain. Nehmat's heart clenched at the sight of Vamika's discomfort. She softly blew air on the wound as she tended to it with gentle care. Once done, she stood up and asked softly, "Are you okay now?"

Vamika, clutching her soft toy, nodded meekly, tears still streaming down her cheeks. She felt that her Nini was slowly melting, and they had a chance to have her back.

As soon as Vamika nodded, her face turned stoic once more, and she answered, "Good. Evelyn, now please escort them safely to the car." With that, she quickly left towards her room, leaving behind the wails of Vamika and Shubman echoing in the air, pleading for her to stop. It was haunting if anyone else would have heard. But for Nehmat, it was not. She had asked Shubman to listen to her in the same way before, but he hadn't, leaving her alone in the middle of the road with her demons.

As for poor Vamika and Anushka, they had to suffer the consequences of Virat and Shubman's deeds. Her brother and lover, the latter who didn't listen to her and the former who betrayed her and left him with no words to convince her, just watching as his brother-in-law, wife, and daughter pleaded in vain.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now