𝟮𝟱. 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗔 𝗞𝗼𝗵𝗹𝗶

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Never A Kohli

Nehmat leaned her head back, taking a moment to collect herself before meeting Shubman's gaze. She gulped, bit her lip, and wiped her nose with her finger. "I am not a Kohli," she uttered, her voice quivering slightly.

Shubman's brow furrowed in confusion. "Huh?" he replied, momentarily thrown off by Nehmat's unexpected statement.

Shubman's eyes widened in realization as he took in Nehmat's numb expression, her tears still flowing freely. "You're adopted," he said softly, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place.

Shubman pulled her into a comforting hug, whispering, "Oh my love," as he held her close.

Shubman continued to soothe Nehmat, gently reassuring her, "It doesn't matter," as she looked up at him, seeking confirmation. "Pakka?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. He nodded, holding her face close, wiping her tears with his thumb, and tenderly kissing her nose. "I fell in love with Nehmat's soul, not her surname or background," he affirmed, his love for her shining through in his words and actions.

Despite his reassurance, Nehmat couldn't shake off her insecurity completely. "But what if... What if this changes things between us?" she asked hesitantly, her voice wavering with fear of the unknown.

Shubman sighed, a tender smile playing on his lips as he gently asked, "What will change between us, darling?"

She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper, "I guess... I'm just scared that you might see me differently now, knowing that I'm not who you thought I was." Her insecurity lay bare, she awaited Shubman's response, hoping for further reassurance.

Shubman tenderly lifted Nehmat's chin, his gaze unwavering as he spoke with sincerity, "Nehmat, nothing about who you are, changes how I feel about you. You are still the same person I fell in love with—kind, strong, and beautiful, inside and out. Your background doesn't define you; it's just a part of your story. And I love every part of you, without reservation." He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his gesture filled with love and understanding.

Nehmat leaned her forehead against Shubman's chin, feeling a rush of relief wash over her. She took a deep breath, letting out the tension that had been gripping her heart. With a small smile, she intertwined her fingers with his, "You always say you're lucky, but today I want to thank your parents for raising such a gentleman, and I want to thank the heavens above for blessing me with such a beautiful soul," she said softly, gratitude filling her voice.

Shubman listened to Nehmat's heartfelt words, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He gently squeezed her hand and smiled tenderly. "You know, Nehmat," he began, "your name means 'blessing' in Urdu. And every day, you prove that name right. You're my blessing, and I'm eternally grateful for you."

Nehmat made a cute face, looking up at Shubman with a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "I love you," she said in a soft, almost baby-like voice, eliciting a chuckle from him. Leaning forward, he brushed his lips against hers, murmuring, "Love you too, my love," in a tender whisper.

In their rented house, a cocoon of love and understanding enveloped Nehmat and Shubman. However, in the Kohli household, it was a different story. Little Vamika quietly built her blocks, the absence of Nehmat leaving a noticeable void in her mind.

Vamika had her Nini's picture placed in front of her as she played. She didn't want to feel alone, so she kept a photo frame where her Nini was giving her a piggyback ride, and Vamika was planting kisses on her cheeks. It was a small comfort in the absence of Nehmat, a way to feel connected to her even when she was far away.

She cried for hours, her tears flowing freely, but eventually, even the tears dried up. Vamika felt lost, unsure of what to do next. Her mind seemed to switch into autopilot mode as she mechanically went about her daily activities. Anushka sat next to her daughter, attempting to join with her. When Anushka looked down, she noticed Vamika nodding before starting to play. Her attention was drawn to the photo frame near the blocks, causing her heart to skip a beat.

Anushka let out an angry sigh, feeling the weight of frustration building inside her. The man behind all this turmoil was absent when his daughter needed him the most. She remembered how she had called him when Nehmat left, but he didn't pick up. She understood he was busy with his restaurant openings, but she couldn't shake off the disappointment that he wasn't there for his sister during such a crucial moment. As if on cue, the doorbell rang, interrupting her thoughts.

Anushka's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she greeted Virat with a forced smile, returning his hug and kisses on her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment that he seemed so carefree while her sister had just left. Virat's wide smile and cheerful demeanour only served to accentuate her disappointment.

Looking around, Virat's eyes searched for Vanika. "Where is Vamuu?" he asked, his tone cheerful and oblivious to the tension in the air.

Anushka's anger boiled over, her voice tinged with frustration as she confronted Virat. "Where were you when Nehmat was leaving?" she demanded, her tone sharp with accusation.

Virat simply shrugged, seemingly unfazed by her anger, as he continued walking towards Vamika's room. "I told you, darling, I was busy," he replied casually, not fully comprehending the gravity of the situation. "I even texted you."

Anushka's frustration erupted as she retorted angrily, "Your work is more important than your sister?"

Virat clenched his fist, halting his advances towards Vamika's room, and turned back to Anushka, facing her with a solemn expression. "It was important if she was mine."

Anushka asked back angrily, folding her arms across her chest. "What do you mean 'mine'?" she demanded, her tone sharp with disbelief and indignation.

Virat scoffed, looking at his wife with bitterness etched on his face. "What I meant is if she was my sister, I would have been there. But no, she's not. Nehmat was never a Kohli," he said bitterly, his words laden with a sense of detachment and resentment.

Anushka's voice crackled with fear as she hesitated to utter what she had just heard. "So she is..." Her words trailed off, but they were completed by a small voice behind Virat, barely audible yet poignant. "Adopted."

Virat turned to look at his daughter, who was clutching her kiwi plush toy, her expression unreadable. "Adopted," she repeated softly, looking at her mum, who was too shocked to register, and then back at her father.

"Even if she is adopted, I love her. She's my Nini, my aunt, and my favourite, always and forever," Vamika declared, her words filled with a profound sense of loyalty and love.

Vamika sighed softly, her gaze shifting towards her mum. "Mumma," she called out, breaking Anushka's reverie. It was the first time in hours that Vamika had spoken after Nehmat left. Anushka's eyes softened as she responded, "Yes, darling?"

"I'm hungry. Let's eat, and then we gotta call Nini to make sure she ate and is settled," Vamika said, her tone carrying a hint of numbness as she glanced briefly at her father before making her way towards the dining area.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now