𝟭𝟴. 𝗦𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸

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Chapter Eighteen: Silent Tears Speak

The door swung open, greeted by the excited squeals of both Vamika and Mumma Kohli."My babies!" Mumma Kohli exclaimed, pulling their faces down to plant kisses on their cheeks. Nehmat was surprised to see her mother, who usually complained about her backache, not minding the energetic 3-year-old toddler jumping into her arms.

"Mumma, you were just complaining about your backache, and now you're effortlessly catching a three-year-old?" Nehmat complained, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, hush! You'll understand when you become a grandmother. Come inside," Mumma Kohli replied, pulling a giggling Vamika along, causing Nehmat to roll her eyes in response.

As they all settled in the living room, Vamika excitedly hugged her grandmother. "Dadi, I missed you!" she exclaimed with a big smile.

Unable to resist, Nehmat jumped into a hug, burying her face in the older Kohli's neck. "Missed you, Mumma," she whispered.

The older Kohli hugged them back tightly, kissing their foreheads affectionately. "Missed you too, puttar," she murmured softly.

Mumma Kohli, with a gentle smile, gently stroked Vamika's hair. "You've grown so much since I last saw you, my dear," she said, her voice filled with grandmotherly affection.

Nehmat leaned back slightly, her eyes sparkling with emotion as she looked at her mother. "It feels so good to be back home," she admitted, a sense of peace washing over her.

Mumma Kohli nodded, her expression softening. "Home is wherever our hearts are, and our hearts are always united, no matter where we are," she said, planting a gentle kiss on little Nehmat's nose, who was no longer so little.

Mumma Kohli looked at both with a smile and said, "Freshen up, I've made something special." Her eyes twinkled with anticipation as she watched Nehmat and Vamika exchange excited glances.

Nehmat's stomach rumbled at the thought of her mother's cooking, reminding her of the comforting meals she had missed while away. "What did you make, Mumma?" she asked eagerly, already imagining the delicious aroma filling the kitchen.

Vamika bounced on her toes, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Is it something with chocolate, Dadi?" she chimed in, her voice filled with hope.

Mumma Kohli chuckled warmly at their enthusiasm. "You'll have to wait and see," she teased, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Now go on, freshen up, and then we'll all enjoy it together."

Nehmat couldn't contain her excitement, and with puppy dog eyes, she suggested, "Mumma, can't we freshen up later? Food first?" Vamika chimed in in agreement, pleading, "Yes, please, Dadi!"

But Mumma Kohli, with a wide-eyed stern look, interrupted firmly, "Go and freshen up first. Don't forget your manners, both of you."

Both of them gulped, feeling a tad embarrassed at their eagerness, and rushed upstairs to Nehmat's old room. Mumma Kohli chuckled warmly as she watched them scurry off.

Meanwhile, she busied herself in the kitchen, setting the plates and preparing the dining table for their special meal.

As Nehmat and Vamika returned downstairs, their mouths watered at the sight of the beautifully prepared dishes adorning the dining table. Unable to contain their excitement any longer, and without waiting, they both climbed onto their respective dining chairs and eagerly began digging into the delicious food.

The aroma of Mumma Kohli's cooking filled the room, tantalizing their taste buds even more as they savoured each bite. Nehmat couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as she tasted the flavours of home.

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