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Summer's POV:

"WAKE UP SUMMER! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" My mom screamed ripping the curtains apart. The sun leaked into the room and I pulled the blankets over my head. "Outside, bad. The sun, scary." I said, quoting 'The Benchwarmers." I chuckled thinking of albino Howie. My smile turned into a frown once the soft cloth was yanked off of me. 

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that it was only 6:45 a.m. "Are you kidding me right now? Why did you wake me up?! School doesn't start until 8:30 a.m. Why are you so cruel?" I fake sobbed. She shook her head and left my room without another word. Crazy lady. 

I dragged myself out of  my comforting bed, and made my way to the bathroom. The freezing cold floor made me yelp and jump up. "It's too cold for this." I muttered to myself, looking in the mirror. I saw an average looking 16 year old. Light brown average wavy hair that ended below my rib-cage, average blue peircing eyes, and average body. Everything about me was average. I sighed and got ready for school.

(outfit on side) 

"Hey, beautiful." Cameron said entering my house. I shook my head and laughed. "You're a loser."

"I was talking about your mom, but okay." He shrugged and pointed behind me where my mom stood. "Ugh. I hate you." I replied, grabbing my bag and heading outside. He ran up to me and opened his car door for me. "You hating me? Haha! Nice joke." He chuckled driving off to hell. Oops. I mean school? 


"If you look at the diagram you can see that..." Mr. Lee's voice trailed out my brain as I looked outside the window. I don't know why but I was thinking about Miley Cyrus twerking. I just couldn't keep it in. I literally laughed my butt off. Everyone's head snapped towards me and I stopped. 

"Ms. Hill? Do you have anything you want to share with us?" He glared at me through his bushy eyebrows. I shook my head and apologized. Now everyone probably thinks I belong in a mental hospital, which I don't.... I think. 


"Slow down there Lightning McQueen!" I yelled to Kyle as she dragged me to the cafeteria. She didn't even say anything to me. She just took my hand and started pushing through the hallways. Once we were at our destination and ran to a seat and told me to stay quiet. 

"Kyle, you better tell me wha-" I was interuppted when she took my head in her hands and moved it to the entrance. All of a sudden, Cameron came in the room. It's like everything stopped, which in reality, it did. Everyone stopped talking, there was no noise, just silence as we watched him. 

There was a girl clinging by his side. I think her name was Jessica, I'm not too sure. But I am sure that she dated half of the student body already. 

"Ow! My neck hurts!" I complained rubbing it with my palm. "I can't believe they're dating!" She screamed.

"Hold the phone! Cameron and that thing are dating? Oh hell no! He didn't even tell me. He is going to hear it from me." I told her, getting out of my seat. Before I could do anything I would probably regret, Kyle held me down and shoved a cookie in my mouth. "Be nice, good girl." 

"How long have they been dating?" I asked. I don't know if you can already tell, but Kyle was the school's #1 Gossip Queen. If you need any information on anyone, you go to her, and she'll tell you everything. Although this has many downsides, a lot of people find it resourceful. 

"Ehh. About 2 weeks?" She said taking a  bite out of her pizza. All of a sudden, bits and peices of cookie fell out of my mouth and onto Kyle's hair. "What the fuck, Summer?" She screamed, shaking the remainings out. I apologized and looked around to see everyone staring at our table. Kyle pointed behind me and I checked to see why. 

There stood my best friend, and his dog. Ugh. Sorry, I mean girlfriend. 

"Hey S-summer." Cameron said shakily, unhooking his hands with the beast and pounding my shoulder. 

"Hi." I simply replied, turning to Kyle and talking to her about some random stuff. "Come on Summer, don't be mad." I ignored him and started playing with my phone when Kyle said she had to use the bathroom. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He said in a soft voice, hugging me from behind. 

"I have candy." He said in a sing-songy voice. Ahh, he knows my weakness. I slowly turned around towards him to see him doing the puppy dog face. Who can resist that? "Ugh, fine. Now give me candy." I demanded. He chuckled and hooked his hands back with Jessica. "This is my girlfriend, Jessica." I smiled and took my hand from my lap. "I'm Summer. Cameron told me so little about you." 

She smirked and her eyes narrowed towards me. "As you may already know, I'm Jessica. Hopefully we can become really good friends." Lies. That nugget is all lies. I nodded my head as the bell rang. 

"Maybe we can hangout soon?" I asked. Hey, I was only being polite. "Actually, Cameron invited me to dinner tonight. He said you will be there." Of fudging course. You see, every Monday and Thursday, Cameron and I's families have dinner at his place. And every Tuesday and Wednsday we have it at my place. "That's so great."  I said sarcastically. 

We bid our goodbyes and Cameron joined me at my locker a few minutes later. "That went great." He chuckled, hugging me. "Yup. I love her. Now, where's my candy?" 

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