Chapter Twenty Three

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Hey there! Really quick update! 





Tell me what you guys think!


Acacia's POV

*Cough* I was in the library, when all of a sudden, my Respiratory System didn't want to shut up. 


"Sh." Sally Santone scowled from across the table from me. I rolled my eyes and got back to my book. Well sorry Sally, it's not like I can help what's inside of me. I guess you can say she was one of the hugest nerds in this school, well besides me. Anyways, she was one of those people who would hand her essays in a week early before they are actually due. 

For some reason, these past few days, I didn't feel that good. Yesterday, I was sneezing, and sniffling, and today, I'm coughing. My throat hurts so bad, that I can't even talk properly. 

As the bell rang for lunch, I got my books and headed out to the cafeteria where I met up with Evan.

"Hey!" He said cheerily as we hugged. Since I couldn't reply, I just waved.

"What's wrong?" He asked sincerely. 

I pointed to my throat and he winced slightly.

"Sorry about that babe." He paused for a moment and in that second I could see that imaginary light bulb pop on top of his head. Well, you know, not literally, He then pulled out a huge whiteboard with a Dry-Erase marker. 

I gave him a questioned look and he rolled his eyes. "Here. I was cleaning out my locker this morning and found this. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Want a year old tuna sandwich?" 

I nodded my head frantically while he unwrapped it, and smelled it. He shrugged his shoulders. "Smells good to me." And then threw it out. 

I started writing. 

'I think it was Evan who got me sick. -_-'

"Yeah probably. I'll go get some hot soup for you. How does that sound?" He asked getting up from the chair. 

'Thanks Evan. :D'

"Anytime love." He then went running towards the long lunch line, almost tripping at least two times.

"Hey." Adrian said sitting down on the chair across from me. I waved weakly and kept my gaze at my freshly polished  nails.

"You okay?" He asked sincerely. I looked up and shook my head and then pointed to my throat. 

"Do you need anything?" I again, shook my head and began to write.

'Evan is coming with my soup.' 

"Oh cool. I really hope you can talk by the time of the play."

'Me too. :)'

"I got it!" Evan said running up to the table, spilling half of the contents on the floor.

"Shit sorry Acacia." He said handing me the rest of it. I gave him a thumbs up and began eating while the boys talked about something that I couldn't quite understand. 

 "Do you have--" I was interrupted, yet once again. "Shhhh. Don't speak child." Evan said putting his hand on my mouth. 

I licked it and watched him put on a sour look, but then smiled.

"You nasty." *Cough**Cough**Cough**Cough* Yes, that was me trying to laugh. "I'll see if the nurse has any medicine for you." Adrian got up and left the cafeteria.

"You know he likes you right?" Evan asked smirking.

'No he doesn't.' 

"Yes he does. Dude, I know, I'm a guy." 

'So, what's that supposed to mean? -_-'

"It means that I know more than you. If a guy does something for you, then, he likes her." He stood up and grabbed my hand heading to the bench outside the door, waiting for Adrian.

'You got me soup.' *Cough*

"Yeah, but I was supposed to. You're my friend." He bent down to tie his sneakers.

I rolled my eyes. 'Whatever floats your goat.'

"Boat." He corrected. *Cough**Cough*




"Boat! You know what? Fuck you." I started coughing rapidly, a lame excuse of a laugh. 

He laughed, but it soon ended when Adrian came up with the medicine. "She said you can take this until it goes away. Hope you like grape flavor." He smiled sadly and handed me the Advil bottle, and a cup of water.

"Thanks." I said hoarsely and took the medicine.

"You feel better?" Evan asked making me turn around.

I nodded slowly as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I waved goodbye to my friends and headed to history class. 

I really hope I get better, in time of the play. :(((((


Sorry guys for the bad chapter, but tell me what you guys think!!!

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