Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Alrigt guys I edited Chapter Thirteen of this story. So, Acacia and Adrian are no longer a couple. I thought it was going too fast, and I kinda changed the ending part of this story so I had a lot of changing to do. 


My eyes began to creep open at the unfortunate arrival of the morning. The bright sunlight peeking through my blinds made me hover into my covers. I rubbed my eyes a few times to get rid of the cloudyness. I groaned in frustration and pulled the covers back up.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and saw a few text messages from Chase. I decided to call him.

"Hello?" He said sadly.

"Wazap girl?" I asked laughing. 

"Nothing much. Needa talk to you ASAP." 

"Okay, where?" I asked as I got up from bed and made my way to the bathroom. 

"Urm what about my house? You haven't been here in a while." He replied.

"Okey dokey. I'll be there in 30 minutes. Love ya! See you soon." I said applying toothpaste to my toothbrush.

"Alright babe, love ya! See you!" I heard the line click off, so I put my phone on the counter and began brushing my teeth. After 2 minutes, I rinsed off and unchanged my self. I hopped into the shower and did all the*necesaties* that were needed. 10 minutes passed so I got out and went into my room. 

I opened my drawer and put my black lace bra and underwear. I walked into my closet and changed into light blue Spikes and Seams short shorts and a regualr black t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

I did my makeup and hair and took my phone from the charger.

My stomach started growling so I went downstairs and ate some Frosted Flakes.

"Mom! I'm going to Chase's house. I'll be home later." I yelled as I finished putting my bowl away.

"Alright sweetie. Have fun!" She replied.

I walked out but not before ruffling Evan's hair, which earned me a glare and a very loud, "MOM! SHE DID IT AGAIN!" I laughed and went out to my car.

I changed the radio station to Z100 and drove to Chase's house.


As I made my way closer to my destination, I saw 4 moving trucks loaded with furniture and old boxes that were labeled. 

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion but got out of my car anyways. 

Once I passed the one what was right in front of his house I heard a very loud wolf whistle coming towards my direction.

I turned around and walked into a wall. Wait.. A wall defiantly doesn't have a six pack. I then lifted my head and directed my eyes to meet a blue pair. 

"Hey, Evan." I said backing away awkwardly.

"Hey Acacia, what are you doing here?" He questioned while picking up a box that was right next to him.

"Oh, yeah. I was here for Chase. By the way, sorry for bumping into you. I'm such a clutz." I can feel the heatness spread onto my cheeks and tried to cover it with my hands, but were gently pushed down by Evan's.

"Don't cover your face. You're really cute when you blush." Well, thanks Evan! I'm turning even red.

"Thanks. Anyways I gotta get to Chase." I pointed to his house.

"Oh yeah. Saying your last goodbyes." He smiled sadly looking down on the concrete below us.

"W-wait. What do you mean, "last goodbyes?" I asked him.

"Oh you don't know?" He smirked.

"No, I seriously don't" I snapped.

"Woah. Tommy was right, your ass does look good in those shorts." He smirked, yet once again and high fived a guy who passed us with a box. I'm pretty sure that was Tommy.

"Stop avoiding the situation. Now, tell me!" I said unpatiently.

"He's moving. Now, if you don't mind, I have a job to do. See you later." He winked and left. 

What? Chase can't leave, he's my bestfriend.

I ran inside his house and almost tripped two times. Great

"Hi Mom!" Yes, I call Chase's mother mom. We've been friends for so long that we all just got used to it. Even Chase call's my mother mom. 

"Do you know where Chase is?" I asked looking around. There was absolutley nothing in the house, well except for a few boxes. 

"Hello hunny, he's upstairs. Please tell him we are leaving in 10 minutes." I nodded frantically and ran up the stairs. 

"Chase!" I called. I opened his door that used to be covered in One Direction posters, and now is plain white. 

"Why didn't you tell me!?" I screamed out.

"Because! I didn't want you to worry." 

"Worry? Worry? Well, now I'm more than worried. I'm lke 10 different moods right now! I can't believe you didn't tell me. And now, we have 10 minutes left together." 

"I'm so sorry Acacia! Like really! I was being selfish. My mom got a job at New York for her company, and now we are moving there." He cried.

"Chase." I said weakly. He came up to me and hugged me. We were standing there for the longest and didn't even notice the time fly by. 

"I better not be replaced in New York." I pointed a finger at him sternly.

"Defiantly not. Same goes to you missy." He mocked me. The next thing you know, we are both balling our eyes out. 

"I'm gonna miss you soooooo much!" We yelled at the same time. 

We pulled apart and stared at each other. 

"Chase, you were the bestest friend a girl can ever ask for. You were always there for me when I was down, and happy. I just wanna thank you sooo much for everything. I sure am gonna miss you very much. I love you with all my heart." I said still crying.

"Acacia, I love you sooo much. I wanna now thankyou for everything. Do you remember that time I slept over you house and we put makeup on your brother?" I nodded quickly. "Best sleepover ever. I will miss you soooooo much Acacia." We hugged another time.

He took something out of his pocket. It was stone that we found at the part. We carved our anitials on it, and we promised to carry it with ourselves all the time. I took mine out also and we gave it to each other. "Forever and Always." We whispered. 

"Chase! Let's go!" His mother yelled.

We started taking crazy pictures, just for memories and went downstairs. 


"You better visit!" I yelled. 

"Of course, and you too! Come to New York! It'll be an adventure. But I promise when we are in college, we can live together somewhere." He said smiling wide.

I nodded and hugged him. "I love you Chase!" 

"I love you Acacia!" We laughed and let go of each other. I then hugged his mom and said my goodbyes. 

He hopped into his car and drove off with his mom. 

All of a sudden, a pair of arms wrapped around my tiny waist. 

"At least you have me." It whispered. 

"Yeah, I'm so lucky." I said sarcastically, realizing who it was. 

"I'm sure gonna miss him." Evan said smiling. 

"Yeah, me too. Me too." He turned me around and embraced me into his arms while I cried my eyes out.

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