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"Are you ready for tryouts?" Kyle asked me, opening the door of the locker room. I shook my head and placed my bag on the bench and started to change. I was dressed in black short shorts, white crop top, and my all black Converse. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and exited the locker rooms.

Today was tryouts and everyone was extremely nervous. There was cheerleading and football tryouts, and I was going for cheerleading, obviously. Last year I was on the team , so hopefully I have a little advantage. 

We all sat in the bleachers and waited for the coaches to arrive. There had to be at least 200 kids in the gym, and let me tell you, it was pretty hectic.

All of the bleachers were full, and there was a spot next to me. Hopefully, no one sat here because I needed my space. All of a sudden, I see Cameron and his best friend from English class, Zac opens the door and looks around the gym. I look at the ground, trying to look preoccupied. A few minutes later, I don't feel anything, so I look up.

I see them, walking up the steps and stopping in front of me.

"Is this seat taken?" Zac asks. Woah. His voice sounded kinda hot that I froze in my spot. I tried to say something, but no words are to be made.

"Nope. Go ahead." Kyle replies, elbowing me in the stomach, making me wince slightly. 

After a while of small talk with Kyle, I feel a hard shove on my shoulder. I narrow my eyes and slowly move my neck to the where the person was standing. It was Jessica. "Move." She pushes me into Zac, and I fall into his hands. "Bitch." I mutter under my breath. Zac hears me and chuckles. I blush and pull on Jessica's hair to get up. She shrieks and I shrug my shoulders. "Sorry, I thought it was your arm." 

She glares at me and faces back to Cameron. "My parents aren't home, when this is done. You want to come over?" She slides her long fingernail on his collarbone and smirks. What the fuck? Is that supposed to be sexy, because Cameron looks terrified. 

"Oh, uhm. I don't know." Cameron scratches the back of his neck and looks at me and Zac. He widens his eyes, in a sign of help. 

"Hey! You said we were gonna hang at my place tonight!" Zac speaks up. I silently thank him. I do not want Jessica to hate me even more. 

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Sorry Jessica, maybe another time?" 

"is Summer gonna be there? Because if she is, I'm coming." I groan out loud and throw my head back onto Zac's shoulder. "You are so annoying!" I quickly cover my mouth while everyone laughs. "I'm coming whether you like it or not." 

Minutes of silence pass, and nothing has started yet. 

"Hey, Summer!" Zac asked. I nodded my head. "I was just wondering if you wanna hang out with me tomorrow night. Just you and me. You don't have to if you don't want to. I know you're probably really bu-" He was cut off by me replying, "Yes! I would love to." 

"That's great! Uhm, how about tomorrow afterschool?" I agreed and we exchanged numbers. 

"Alright, cheerleaders will come to this side of the gym, and football players will come to the other. You got that?" Ms. H said, blowing her whistle and going into her office. I saw Cameron walk off to the other side and I walked to the other. Kyle put her arms around my shoulder. "We are going to have a talk later." 


"Woah. That was hardcore." Kyle muttered taking a huge gulp from her water bottle. I agreed with her and quickly got changed.

"Summer, what the fuck was happening with you and Zac? Like OMG I almost cried when he asked you out!" Kyle called, causing me to turn around and look at her with an expecting glance.

Zac Ross, aka Bad Boy. I've had a crush on him ever since I was like seven years old. He is also Cameron's best friend, which makes it even worse. 


We were at Zac's house, in his basement. 

"I know, dude! I'm actually pretty nervous." She nodded her head. "Let's go find you a outfit." 

We soon ended up in my house. We ran up to my room to see Cameron laying on bed, facing the window, with his phone in his hand. I grabbed a pillow and hit him on the head. He groaned and quickly turned around to face us. "Woah, nice shorts." I laughed and pushed him off the bed. "Get out. We're gonna talk about girl stuff." 

He put his hands up in surrender and left my room, probably going into the kitchen. 

"Alright, you have to look perfect for tomorrow." Kyle told me, going into my closet and looking for an outfit. I rolled my eyes. "I don't know why we're doing this. I mean, Zac will never like me. Have you looked at me?" 

She slowley snapped her neck towards me. "Don't you ever say those words Summer Lily Hill. You are the most perfect peice of human that has ever walked this Earth, and I am glad that you are my best friend. If you ever say that again I won't be afraid to break your skull." 

As soon as she said those words I shut my mouth and smiled. 

"Here! I found something. Go try it on mama sita." I chuckled and ran into the bathroom. 

Minutes later, I got out and faced Kyle. 

(outfit on side)

"Dayum chica. If I was a guy, I would totally take you on this bed right now." My eyes widened and she laughed at my reaction. I looked at my full length mirror and gasped and my reflection. Not to sound conceited or anything, but I did look good. 

"You got me so excited for tomorrow now." I pouted, getting out of the clothes and placing them neatly on my desk. 

"You should be. You never know what can happen." She winked. 

"Whatever you say. Anyways I'm gonna go take a shower." She nodded. "I gotta get going too." 

We said our goodbyes and I got myself read for the shower. I walked inside my bathroom and got a towel from the closet and headed to the shower. I needed a little break from these people, and a nice, long, hot shower will do the trick. I scrubbed off all the dirt from today and yesterday and stepped out. I patted myself dry with the towel, wrapped it around my body, and skipped out of the bathroom where I saw Cameron sitting on my bed with his head in his hands. 

"Get out." I mummbled, grabbing my brush from the top of my dresser and started brushing the tangles from my hair. "I don't want to." He whined. 

"Well I want you to." 

"Come one Sum-Sum." I've seen you naked a bunch of times. Hell, we used to take showers together." He shrugged as if this as normal to him. 

"Need I remind you, we were like three, and I didn't have boobs." He rolled his eyes and went inside the bathroom. I made sure the door was locked and safley got changed. When I was done he came out and wrapped me in a hug. 


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