Chapter Nineteen

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Acacia's POV

"Thankyou guys for having me over for dinner. The food was great Clara." Adrian said getting his belongings from the chair. 

"Oh no problem at all. You are welcome any time." My mom replied smiling wildely at him. He nodded and waved good bye to the family. 

Before walking out the door he stopped and turned around. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said to me turning back and closing the door after him. 

My mom winked and went into the kitchen to clean up. I blushed and headed towards my room. I walk to the bathroom and get ready to start my shower. While it starts to warm up, I sytart to pick out my clothe for tomorrow and throw them my railing before taking a quick shower. When I was done, I put a clena shower on my damp hair to let it dry and get dressed into my pajamas. When I'm done I go downstairs to find Evan playing on the X-Box. 

"Hey." I said heading in the kitchen. He nodded in reply, probably to endured in his game. "Hey mom." I greeted her opening the fridge and pouring my self a glass of orange juice. 

"Hey honey." She replied, continuing to wash the huge pile of dirty dishes, which by the way was a lot. 

A silence over came the both of us and all you can hear was the clanking of dishes and warm water running smoothly. 

"So," She paused smiling. "Adrian." 

I rolled my eyes and sighed happily. "Nothing mom." I said hopping off the counter and rinsing the rag with the other sink.

"He's such a sweet boy, very handsome." She looked up at me dreamily.

"Well, if you think he's so sweet, why don't you date him?" I smirked drying my hands. 

"Acacia." She scowled. "You know, your father grew such a liking towards him."

"Really?" I asked in astonishment. I never met a boy that my father liked, well, besides Chase, so I didn't know what to expect of my father. 

"Yeah, he was actually hoping that you would invite him Evan's baseball game tomorrow?" She asked, happiness glimmering in her eyes. 

"Ugh. Fine." I sighed in defeat and she laughed. "Why don't you head up for bed, it's getting late." She suggested turing off the faucet and drying her hands on her apron. I nodded quickly got up. "Oh and Acacia?" She called. "Yeah?" I asked feeling a vibration in my back pocket.

"Thanks for taking care of Evan, I'll be sure to add another $40 in your allowence." She promised smiling. 

"Yes! Thankyou!" I yelled hugging her and ran out to the livingroom. 

"Let's go Evan! Time for bed." I said nudging his shoulders. 'Okay." He sighed and turned off the console and the X-Box itself. 

"Thanks for taking care of me." He said walking up the stairs. 

"No problem." I rolled my eyes and smiled. 


"Hey." I said tapping Adrian's shoulder. It was the end of rehearsal and everybody was out in the parking lot getting out of the school building. Adrian was talking to Evan about some girl. 

"Hey." He said turning around and smiling. 

"I was just wondering if you would like to come to Evan's baseball game tonight?" I asked him, hoping for a no. It would just be way awkward. 

"Yeah sure." He replied looking into my eyes. 

"What about you Evan?" I questioned. 

"Nah, sorry. I got a date tonight with Tiffany, but say good luck to your brother for me." He replied hugging me and heading towards his car. I nodded.

"So, you can just come to our house at 8:00. We kind of have this thing that we do before we go to his games." I said looking over to his motorcycle.

"Oh yeah, most defiantly." He replied.

"Okay, see you later." I waved good bye and he did too.

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