Chapter Thirty One

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"Why'd you leave?" Evan asked me. I can tell that he felt totally better after him vomiting about 3 times. 

"Eh, wasn't really feeling the party." I replied getting up. 

"Dance with me?" He questioned taking my hand and dragging me to the dance floor. I looked around the room and saw Adrian taking multiple shots of whatever, and Alex standing by him looking over at me. I waved to Alex, and he did the same. 

Evan and I started dancing, and soon enough the party came to a close. 

"This was so fun!" Tiffany said excitedly, jumping up and down. "What do you think Acacia?" 

"Eh. It was good." I replied tiredely. It was about 2:00 am and we were all at Tiffany's house, well except for Evan, who's parents found out about his party and got extremely mad. 

"Just good?" I nodded as Alex handed me a water bottle. I thanked him and took a huge gulp. "Where's Adrian?" I asked getting up and looking around her kitchen. 

"I'm here!" He yelled, and by the tone of his voice, I can tell, that he was in fact, drunk. 

I rolled my eyes. "Adrian, you're drunk." I said helping him to sit down in the seat where I was sitting before. "No duh princess." He smirked taking a strand of my hair and twirling around his finger. I let him do it, since it had somehow relaxed me. 

"Alex, take him home." Tiffany demanded rolling her eyes. He shaked his head. "No can do. Sorry guys, but the last time he got drunk and I had to watch him, he almost raped me." He then got up and pulled his keys from my hand. I scoffed. "So, you're gonna leave him with us?" 

"Basically. Sorry guys, really." Alex replied, sounding anything but sorry. 

"You're not leaving." Tiffany laughed. 

"Yeah, I am." He then ran out the house and left. 

"Ughhh! I am so not putting up with him." She said sitting down on the counter. 

I have always been the kind of person who liked to care of other people just for the fun of it, but I can not do it with Adrian because overall, he is just a douche. 

All of a sudden, Adrian starts dancing on the table. 

"Adrian! Don't be dumb! Get down!" I pleaded, afraid that he might fall off, even though that might be a little funny to watch.

"Whatcha gonna do about it princess?" He smirked doing the Macerena. He's sooo childish.

I then took his hand and pulled him off the table successfully. Adrian starred at the sink for a few minutes and started laughing. "What?" I asked Tiffany. 

"Whenever he's drunk, he starts to laugh at things, that do nothing. 

"So, do you have any clothes for me to wear?" I asked looking at him as he got down on his knees and chased Tiffany's dog, Poppy, around the house. 

"Yeah, let's go." She took my hand and leaded me up the stairs when I stopped. 

"What about him?" I asked. 

"Ugh. Totally forgot. Well, I kind of only have one guest bedroom, and trust me, I will let you sleep in my room, but right now, its really dirty, like extremley, and it's too embarrasing." She answered truthfully. I laughed and nodded. "But, I am so not sleeping in a bed with him." 

"Oh come on! Just one night." She pleaded, her voice quivering.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but he is sleeping on the floor." She nodded quickly and we continued our way up the stairs, just in time to see Adrian's head on the toilet, and vomit by his lips.

"Ah. That's gross." I said running into the bathroom and filling a cup of water and giving it to him. 

"Thanks." He offered. I smiled and helped him up. 

"Here are your clothes, and the guest bedroom is just down the hall, to the right." Tiffany said handing me her clothes and going back into her room. 

He stumbled into the room and sat down on the bed, and started to undress. 

"What are you doing?!" I whispered/yelled covering my eyes and turning around. 

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