Bonus: main good and bad Characters personalities

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(‼Warning! this might contain spoilers for future chapters so if u want to wait, skip the bonus and come back once you know all the characters‼)


Main characters that are good



Samurai is a snarky and can be annoying which can be why people don't like her. She's close with Alice and James out of the squad. She can be caring and sympathetic. She often can be argumentative when there's people picking on her.

Alignment: Good




Alice is a passive and calm person that pushes people away. Although she can be mean and calm, she still sympathizes with people and gootraxians. Its currently unknown why Shes cold though.

Alignment: Good




James is a cold, yet airheaded person which people don't like him due to roasting people. He is also a passive and very snarky person. He despises gootrax and will kill them even if there a pacifist. 

Alignment: Chaotic good




Sam is a sadistic, selfish, and aggressive person that will get mad at anything. He is bad at making friends and hates gootrax so much, he brutally kills him and is impatient. He hates slimepups the most because they bite and steal. He is described as "Grumpy argumentative asshole that only cares for himself" (Described from Alice, Michael, Samurai, and Sam)

Alignment: Chaotic good




Kamila is Cowardly and sweet person and is afraid of gootrax. She often hangs out with Samurai and James and helps all humans with weapons. They are known to invent Scythes, and Sledgehammers. She cares about Their friends and avoids violence despite making weapons. She believes gootrax are misunderstood.

(Fun Fact: she was inspired by Mitsuri Kanroji from Demon Slayer and Carmilla Carmine from Hazbin Hotel

Alignment: Good




Michael is a sweet, optimistic, confident, and curious person, and sometimes helps others to kill gootrax and wants to stop Laminax from succeeding their goal. According to Samurai, he likes Alice. he can also be cowardly, but only when there are NightCrawlers around.

Alignment: Good




Regina is a calm person and can often get aggressive if people make her annoyed. She is good friends with Sam and mostly kills gootrax if she holds a grudge on them. She is known to have more kills during Power Outage and kills nuclear rabbits because "How ugly they look to her" She often picks on samurai for her sloppiness and how she is bad at fighting.

(Fun fact: she was inspired by Sanemi Shinagawa from Demon Slayer and kind of Regina George from Mean Girls)

Alignment: Chaotic good


Evil characters:

Dr. Carmine


Dr. Carmine has a professional demeanor and is calm depending on the situation she is in. Although she is calm, she can be sadistic, manipulative, and evil and does not care about peoples opinion, or anything except for Dr. Melissa. Despite being the creator of gootraxians, she despises them, especially Slime pups and Slime hounds. 

Alignment: Evil


Dr. Melissa

Dr. Melissa is a calm and self-aware person that has high intelligence. Even though she is calm and intelligent, she can be a narcissistic, manipulative, and a selfish person that like peoples suffering. She hates samurai and her friends and only cares for who she's close to.

Alignment: Evil

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