Chapter 19: Part 2

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When I saw him, I could've sworn there was something on his arm.


~ Samurai's POV: ~

As we ran to where the cave was, I asked "Hey guys." I asked. "Yeah, what is it?" Alice replies. "Well, I could've sworn there was something on his arm-" "WE NEED TO GET THERE FASTER" James interrupted and I frowned. 

~ Sam's POV ~

I woke up in a cave, I looked around and my sunglasses were shattered on the floor, "Ah dammit" I mumbled. I couldn't move because I felt a pain in my Right arm. I pulled my sleeve up and oh my fucking god. There was a bite mark but had tiny crystals on it. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, WHY DID I SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR MICHAEL?!

*Back to everyone else*

~ Regina's POV: ~

We got to the cave and saw Sam standing up, firmly gripping his Right arm. "SAM!!!!" We all simultaneously. "SAM I'M SO SORRY IF I ONLY COULD'VE NOT GOT MY BAT-" Michael had tears streaming down his face. "I-Its fine Michae-" He then winced in pain. "Sam? -" I questioned. "I-Its ok I'm-" I then walked up to him and grabbed his right wrist. "Can I see it?" I asked and he nodded. I pulled his arm up, and purple goo was slowly spreading as well as red crystal. "Hey guys." I turned as I let go of his wrist. "We need to go to the infirmary and go see Dr. Adler.

*Timeskip to after power outage*

~ Samurai's POV: ~

We went to an office similar to Dr Carmine and Melissa's. "Yes?" I heard a Male voice. "We need help with something." "hm... COME IN!" He exclaimed in a positive way. We opened the door. He had glasses on, crushed garnet colored hair and a scientist like coat. He was probably around his 30's and was near Kamila's height. "So are friend here, uh he somehow got a Manic bite mark and now the wound has a tiny bit of fur or some sorts and tiny crystals too." Michael stuttered and Sam then again gave the 'I could just say it myself' face.

"Let me see It!" Dr. Adler replied. Sam hesitantly tried going toward him. "Don't be afraid buddy! Not like I bite!" He laughed and Sam laughed nervously and same with all of us. Sam pulled up his sleeve and Adler was using a magnifying glass to look. "Very well, I'll need to take your blood." Adler stated and Sam's eyes widened. When Dr. Adler turned to the drawer, Sam tried to run, and we all lunged at him quietly, so he won't here. "So, no need to worry, it'll take time, so you have time." As he was saying those stuff, we tried to grab him, so he won't get away. As Dr. Adler turned, we all stood up and he had the syringe.

"Alright, this'll only hurt for a moment." As he stabbed the syringe into Sam's arm, I could see tears threatening to fall out his face. Dr. Adler then went to the microscope and looked at it. I was pretty stressed out for Sam having to practically go through the same thing I am. "So, it looks like its slowly changing, but I'll find a cure which would probably take 5 days." He made a strained smile. '5 DAYS ARE YOU SERIOUS??? HE'LL BE A PURPLE THING BY NOW!" James yelled. "James, it's not his fault. " I grabbed his shoulder.

"Yeah, your right." He turned and walked back to where he was. "For now, you can use these gloves." He brought out a glove. "Uh, Ok-" He hesitantly replied and put it on. "Oh well, we'll be going. Bye." Regina said "Before you go, I'll need to talk to her really quick. Its privately." He then pointed at me, and they went outside.

"Uh yeah?" I questioned. "I know you're a Lavinax user." He smiled. "How do you know?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "Well, you look like your mom, except for her red eyes." He said and the last part he said a little scared. "What do you mean red eyes?" I questioned kind of scared. He opened his mouth, but he then frowned. "Never mind about that." He waved his hand down and had a strained smile.

 "You're not going to do anything bad like Carmine and Melissa, right?" I stuttered. 'What? Oh! nonono!" He laughed. "I was just going to ask if Maybe I can also take a blood sample, just for research!" He exclaimed. "Oh ok, I'll pull my sleeve." I pulled my sleeve, and he took a syringe out and stabbed it in my arm as my eye twitched from the pain. "There! that should do it!" He said happily.

"Ok, bye then!" I waved. "Oh, last thing!" He walked over. "If you see a melon shark around here, don't go near it. It used to be someone I used to know." He said negatively. "Ok." I then walked out. I walked out and everyone was waiting for me. "What happened?" regina questioned. "Oh nothing." I replied. "Where's Michael?" I questioned. 

"Oh, he went to get his weapon fixed." Sam answered. "I've never seemed you without sunglasses." I blurted out. "Yeah well, I have a spare at my dorm." He pointed to the direction where the dorms were. I never knew my mom worked here.

As we were walking to where Michael was, I had a feeling i wanted to use my abilities like as if its calling to me. But whatever.

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