Chapter 9: What were they doing?

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(This chapter may be short, and it'll be focusing on Dr. Carmine & Dr. melissa)


"Well, uh bye!" I waved and he left.

I feel bad for not doing anything...


~ Dr. Carmines POV: ~

As we were in the laboratory that people are not allowed in, me and Melissa were experimenting on new substances that could possibly be a powerful gootrax. "Did you hear?" Melissa questioned "Hm?" I questioned.  "Well, uh don't get mad at me but...The nightcrawler was defeated..." She trembled. "What was defeated?" I glared at her enraged. "So, the nightcrawler was defeated by that ponytailed weirdo and her friends, and that wasn't the first THING YOU FUCKING TELL ME?!" I grabbed her collar and shoved her to the wall.

"Calm down Carmine, you wouldn't want them hearing you, don't you?" She spoke. She was right, so I dropped her down. "How are we going to stop them?" Melissa questioned. "I don't know yet, so we'll have to see" I grinned.

(See? like I said its short, but I'll make chapter 10 long as I can also I didn't know what to do in this chapter)

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