Chapter 33: Purifying Sacrifice

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(I'm aware that there isn't a purification event in kaiju paradise anymore or right now, but it's going to be used for the story. Also, sorry I hadn't been posting, I've been busy with school and stuff, but I might not post that very often.)

T.W: Gore

*4 days later*

<Samurai's POV>

It's been 4 days since the horde of Hebi's were finished off. I was walking with everyone, until we saw someone in the distance running to us. "What the-" Regina was cut off when we heard the person in the distance. "GUYSSSSS!!!!!" When we realized it was Kamila, we let are guards down.  "Kamila? what do you need?" James asked. "Ok so, I was thinking I could join you all to fight off gootrax!" Kamila exclaimed while making a fighting stance. "I'm not sure-" I was cut off by Alice, and she said, "GREATTT! YOU COULD JOIN US!" Alice gave a strained smile and exclaimed sarcastically.

Kamila's eyes shined and she started jumping around saying, "YAYYY!! LEMME GO GET MY WEAPONS!" Kamilla yelled in joy and started running.

 She tripped and ran again. "Something tells me something bad is going to happen." Sam blurted and Regina nodded.

*15 minutes later*

We stand there for what seemed like forever and saw her with her M134. "Alright! I'm ready-"Kamila was cut off when the lights turned yellow. "Huh? I thought purification was over?" James questioned. "Purification?" I questioned. 

"Attention please, a cleaning protocol has been initiated, please locate your employee card and make your way to the nearest bunker. Any live specimen that is not in the bunker when purification starts will not survive. Purification starts in 18 minutes."

"SHIT!" Regina screamed in frustration. "Hey! Language!" Kamila whined. "Alright so here's the plan, we're going to split up in 2 & 3 so we both can find an employee card. Me, Mike, and Regina, then Sam & Kamila, and lastly the two love birds." Alice explained and smirked at us. We both turned red, and I yelled, "ALICE WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" I screamed in frustration. "I'm just kidding. Anyways, let's go!" She commanded and 2 & 3 of us ran our both ways.

I saw Michael jumping in joy, which according to rumors, he liked Alice. Kamila just looked at him with a confused smiling and shrugged.

Me and James ran to where some employee cards are found. We saw guards fighting off gootrax and some injured. "Well, let's hope we survive." James said and I nodded.

I have a bad feeling about this.

<Sams POV:>

Me and Kamila were searching for employee cards and while we were searching for them, we were just talking. "Gee, it's been forever since we talked!" Kamila exclaimed while we were running. "If you say." I replied. I looked at the time and we only had 15 minutes left. "By the way, what happened to your right arm? Why is it gloved?" She kept questioning. "I'll explain later." I replied.

We then ran into a psuedo shark, and it was holding an employee card. "Sam! It has the card!" She pointed out. It grinned at us and started to run to us. I blocked its attack while Kamila was putting bullets in her M134. the psuedo shark as bleeding pink goo.

It shook its head and looked enraged. It lunged at Kamila, and I blocked its attack. "Thanks." She said laughed in embarrassment. I gave a thumbs up and she started shooting the pink shark. The psuedo blocked it and smirked. "CRUMBS! I'M OUTTA AMMO!" She exclaimed. She hit the psuedo with her M134 and it fell on the floor. 

"You, ok? -" I asked, and I was cut off by the psuedo shark lunging at me. It curled its hand into a fist and grinned psychotically. I wanted to block the attack, but it was too late.

I closed my eyes and heard a bash.

I looked and saw Kamila in front of me, but something was wrong.

The clawed impaled them with its fist and I saw blood staining her clothing. It took its hand out and blood sprayed on the floor. I was horrified.

I felt enraged and grabbed my weapon. I hit it so hard, it turned to goo. I dropped my weapon and turned to Kamila. It left a whole in her stomach and she had blood coming out of her mouth. "KAMILA!!!" I ran to her, and she fell in her knees. "KAMILA!! ARE YOU OK?!" I cried.

The thing is, is that I had never felt so upset. Never after my family was dead.

But enough with that. I mentally shook my head. "I'm sorry...For being...Weak..." She said with a raspy, and I looked at her dead eyes and I could see tears coming out of her eyes. "NO KAMILA!! DON'T DIE! NOT NOW!!" Tears pouring out of my sunglasses, and she collapsed in the floor.


I remember when i got the job and met her in the lobby. I saw a girl with blonde hair and a ponytail with a red bow. "A NEW EMPLOYEE!" They exclaimed and ran up to me. "Hello?" I greeted with confusion. "I'M KAMILA!" She introduced. "Uh, I'm Sam." I introduced myself. "WE'RE GONNA BE THE BEST OF FRIENDS!" She yelled in joy.

By the time I was confused, but happy at the same time. I know I'll never forget the day I met her...

*Flashback ends*

I looked at her dead body. More tears poured out of my sunglasses. I sobbed and sobbed. 

"WHY! WHY HER?!?!" I sobbed and looked at her dead body. "PLEASE KAMILA BE ALIVE YOUR SCARING ME!" I cried.

(To be continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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