Chapter 32: Part 2

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(I put the photo there cause why not? Also, if you say its cringe DEAL WITH IT-)


I looked down and said with hesitation, "O-Ok."


<Samurai's POV:>

He hesitantly put his hand down and I was just glaring at him with curiosity. "We should do this where no one's going to see-" James stopped moving his hand. "Alright then." I replied. "Wait, how will we walk if you can't see?" I asked. "...You know?" He stuttered. I then realized and I was mixed with complicating feelings, and I said, "nuh-uh, figure out yourself-I MEAN OK I'LL DO IT!" I exclaimed. I dragged him farther away from the safe zone and we stopped. "Alright, NOW YOU CAN SHOW ME." I spoke. "Ok I'm only doing this because you're my best friend." He said and I shook my head. 

Put took his hand off his eyes his eyes and opened them. His eyes are bright purple sclera, with neon green irises, with four bright purple freckles under his eyes. "...BAHAHAHA!!!" I burst into laughter and fell in the floor. "WHAT THE HELLS THAT FOR?!" He yelled. "It's just, I thought it was going to be worse, but it's not what I thought. BAHAHAH!" I laughed and he was annoyed. "S-sorry but, but you explain why your eyes are like that?" I questioned wiping a tear off my eye.

"I will, if you give me back my blind folds." He demanded. I hesitantly gave them back and he tied his blind fold off his eyes. "Alright, I was experimented on and instead of turning me into a full out hebi, it only gave me a slight appearance and tiny bit side effects. Though for some reason, I could still go to the safe zone unlike you." He explained. "Well, does anyone know about it?" I questioned. "Only Regina, but no one else." He replied.

"Well, uh I feel bad now so, HUG ME." I demanded. He got flustered, but he hesitantly did (hehehe-) wrapped his arms in me and I did too. I started turning red and said, "Alright my asexual feelings are kicking in, so that's enough." I let go and he did. We heard yelling in the distance, and it sounded like Alice. "WE SHOULD GO." I exclaimed. And we brought out are weapons and ran to the garden. There were a horde of Hebi's battling everyone and guards.

A hebi ran straight to Sam and I ran up to them and blocked the attack. "Thanks." He spoke. "No problem." I replied.  Sam ran in front of me and shot the hebi with a golden pistol. "I HATE WHEN THERES A HORDE!" A guard yelled. My vision flickered red and yellow, but I shook my head which it wore off.

-Time skip to after battle-

I have a couple scratches, but it then disappeared. "we're going to go to the infirmary." Alice told me and I nodded.

Why did my vision suddenly flicker red and yellow?

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