Chapter 14: Part 2

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(The fan made gootrax is named lavinax and it was inspired by absolute solver lol)


She looked dead, but then she was ripped apart, and I saw it.


~ Random person named Ava's POV ~

"Uhm...who're you?" I smiled awkwardly pointing. It then ran up to me and I was petrified. I then heard a stabbed and I believed it got flinged to one of the trees. "I wasn't here to save you, I'm here to kill her." The pink haired girl said. "Ok Weirdo." I said just standing there.

~ Regina's POV ~

As I was walking to where she was, I said, "I didn't expect you to be one of them."  I said walking forward to her. "*Cough* What do you mean?" She said lying on the ground. "Don't play dumb with me, I'll make this quick and painful." I said, but in a blink of an eye, she was gone. "Huh?" I then heard something behind me and as I looked, it felt slow motion. I saw a tail, and as my eyes widened, it wrapped itself to my arm, and I got thrown straight to a wall.

 I saw her headtaker next to me so as she skittered towards me, I blocked her attack by using her weapon as a shield. As I stood up, I wacked her 5 feet away from me (Damn Samurai has a strong weapon) She got stunned by the heavy hit, so I ran to where my weapon fell. "Dammit it got snapped in half." I said looking and my broken weapon. It's going to take me a long time to get it back. I saw her stand up and I brought out her headtaker. "I'm going to make you wish that you shouldn't have done that." She shook her head with a creepy toothy grin with jagged canine teeth. "Try me bitch." I said and she flew straight to me. I dodged her attack and wacked her with the weapon. She growled and spat blood. "Who's the weak one now?" I said in a baby voice tone to piss her off.

"You shouldn't let your guard down you know Regina."

"No, you shouldn't let your guard down."

"No, you-"

"No, you"


"NO, YOU!!"

we panted from screaming at each other. She then tried to stab me with one of my shattered weapons, but I dodged and only lightly scratched my cheek. "Haha-" She kicked me in the stomach, and I crashed into a tree. She stabbed both of my hands with shattered pieces from my weapon. She laughed maniacally and was about to cut me in half with her headtaker. I closed my eyes, but then heard a metal bang. I opened my eyes, and I saw Samurai falling to the floor. Then James, Alice, Michael, and Sam appeared.

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" I screeched while both of my hands were punctured in the wall. "Ava here helped us find where you guys were at" Sam said. "UH HELLO??? YOU GUYS THREATENED AND BLACKMAILED ME!!" Ava pointed at them and yelled. "Whatever." Alice crossed her arms and blew her hair out of her face. Michael was a fucking tomato right now and I made a disgusted face.

"So, she's the person that was- you know." James pointed at her. "Yeah." I said, and Sam got the shattered pieces off my hand. "Me and Alice will take Samurai and Regina to the infirmary." James said and everyone agreed. Even though James has a black blind fold, he was shocked and looked as if he seen a ghost.

I hope we'll find out what that was.

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