Chapter 12: Power outage?! HELL NO

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(This chapter won't have Samurai's Pov)


What if these side effects are what's happening to me?


~ Alice POV: ~

samurai's been acting weird lately. I mean, she's always weird, but not the weird she always acts like. Like she doesn't want to me near us, or that suspicious bag she often carries, but not my problem. Me and everyone were at the tents in the garden including samurai she's been doing ok lately. "Hey guys do you ever wonder where's Carmine and melissa?" Michael questioned. "There probably around here fucking hiding." Regina said, using her nail filer. "Well, isn't there supposed to be a power outage or something that'll be happening soon?" Samurai questioned. "Yeah, which it'll be happeninggggg" Then the lights turn red.

"Now." Everyone said simultaneously including me. "Alright everyone, get your weapons because WE'RE GONNA KILL SOME BITCHES" Regina screamed and we all gave her the 'The heck wrong with you?' face. We all split into me, Michael, and Samurai, and Regina, Sam, and James. As we three went to the green crystal area, we saw a toxic rabbit.

Michael ran to it and hit it with his red bat saber, and it got stunned. "Alice, Samurai now!" He turned to us. Me and Samurai ran up to it, and then we beat it up which was funny. As we ran to where dozens of gootrax were, we actually saw an employee get infected. "Wow, that's a lot of pseudo shark, Dagoda's and manic's. "Thats a lot" I said shocked.

"Well good thing we have strong weapons" Michael laughed nervously. "Well, let's fuck them up then!" Samurai screamed. Please tell me Regina didn't teach her that. As we killed them all, we were all exhausted. "Hey guys I'll be right back" Samurai said, which I can't see her face that well because she always wears a facemask. Shes always had that ever since I met her, not suspicious.

"Please be back Samurai, you have a really strong weapon!" Michael yelled in the distance. "Guess it's me in you, like the old times." I said and he got flustered. Probably some disorder, I guess. As we ran around the area, we found Samurai. "Hey guys, sorry I got cornered by some gootrax" she said. "Oh, you're alright! ^^" Michael said with no hesitation.

(Time skip because I have nothing)

As We walked around, the power outage ended. "Regina, Sam, and James are probably at the safe zone." Samurai said and me and Mike agreed. As we went to the safe zone, we saw them talking and they turned to us. "Thank god you guys are alright." I spoke. "Why wouldn't we be?" Regina crossed her arms. "I don't know" I said. "So uh, want to go explore around here?" James said and we all agree.

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