Chapter 5: What Are They?

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(This chapter will not have Samurai's Pov since I want the characters to be known more)


"Tell me what?" I questioned. "The gootraxians." James said. "A what now?" I spoke.

"We'll tell you."


~ Alices POV: ~

"But first we need to go somewhere private, we don't want to get in trouble," Michael laughed nervously and we all agreed. We all went to the support cave since people don't go there. we stopped walking, and I said, 'Who's going to tell her first?" I said and everyone stared at me. "OH, ME ME MEE ANYTHING FOR YOU ALICE AS LONG AS YOU'RE HAPPY!" Michael cheered, and samurai and James rolled their eyes.

 "*clears throat* So, gootraxians are, quote, 'composed of a goo like substance that can infect humans into an anthropomorphic appearance and can even kill humans ☝.'" Michael stated which reminds me of a boring president speech. "There's more, but i think you know enough Samurai." James said. 

"Well, where are these so called gootrax?" She said in a sarcastic tone. Can't blame her. "There locked in somewhere." I stated. "Well, there's some that had broken out. Regina and Sam are taking care of it right now." Michael said. "Well, let's leave them be." James said.

                                                     *Meanwhile Regina and Sam*


~ Regina's POV ~

"UGH THESE KAIJU'S KEEP ON COMING AND COMING!!" I screamed as I wacked the kaiju with my Nebula P Bat.

"TELL ME ABOUT IT" Sam yelled as we killed 3 kaiju with his crystal Gasher.

"JAMES, ALICE, AND MICHAEL WE FUCKING NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!!!" me and Sam screamed at the same time, and it echoed across the cave.


~ James POV: ~

"Did you guys here that?" I spoke. "Yeah, it kind of sounded like 'NEED HELP JIMMY, ARICE, AND MIKEY'" samurai said. "Now that I think about that, I think it was Regina and Sam." Michael said which I think he's probably right. "hm..... nah there ok they're powerful after all" Alice said. we then heard a door open. we turn and saw a kaiju.

it appeared look like any other gootraxian and kaiju. large dark-blue reptilian humanoid with a lighter blue underbelly and glowing, blue crystal spined running along their back and tail. They had very blue colored eyes with light blue irises, dark blue claws on their lighter blue hands and feet. 

"What is that? it looks ugly." Samurai said confused and disgusted. Shes not wrong there ugly. the kaiju grinned and looked up and was about to open its mouth. "EVERYONE GET DOWN" Alice yelled and aim at us, then an ion beam blasted straight forward to us. luckily, we able to dodge. 

we closed are eyes, then it stopped. as we looked and open our eyes, it was killed. and there they were.

Regina and Sam.

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