Chapter 13: Blackout but something isn't right....

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(This chapter won't really have samurai's Pov again, but it will kind of, but you'll see why 😈 also this chapter is inspired by murder drone's episode 4 a little and you'll know already probably if your MD fan lol)


"So uh, want to go explore around here?" James said and we all agree.


*2 weeks later*

~ James POV ~

It's been 2 weeks and samurai has been getting weirder and weirder ever since she was looking at the bestiary. I saw Samurai sitting alone in the cafeteria spacing out, so I went to go see if Shes ok. What's weird is when I see one of the us doing this I leave immediately, but I do this because me and he are pretty close. "Hey uh, you ok? You've been acting lately." I said in a worried tone. "Oh yeah no need to worry" She laughed nervously. Ok. SHE IS NOT OKAY. "I'll uh *Clears throat* be leaving and if you need anything, I'll be there." I said embarrassed. It's hard to see her face reaction since she always wears a face mask since day 1, but her face was red. "thanks uh bye then" She laughed nervously.

(Time skip because I got nothing)

As I was in the safe zone, there was a blackout but not any blackout.

'Main facility detects new anomaly.'

'Please stand by.'

"Huh what's going on" "I don't know might be dangerous." Some employees said. "Guys, lets split up, we should find this anomaly." Alice said. "WAIT WHERES SAMURAI?!😭" Michael cried. "Shes probably trying to find it." Sam said. "Yeah, but let's go" Regina said. "Harper, where the fuck are you going?" Alice said. "Uh Hello?? going to make out with Alex" she said, and Alex nodded.

They're going to regret going alone.


(Scene inspired by Rebecca and Darren scene lol)

~ Random person named harper POV ~

"Are you sure about this while an individual is on the loose?" Alex said doubting. 'Shut up Alex, we have totally cool weapons that can probably kill it immediately" As I dragged Alex to a dorm. As we opened the dorm, there was black like goo substances everywhere. "Well, uh, how about uh, we explore to see nothings there?" I said and he agreed. The goo like substance was not like anything normal.

I heard something opened and as we turned around, we screamed.


~ James POV ~

"Did you guys hear harper and Alex screaming?" I said and everyone nodded. "Let's hope samurai's ok" Alice said.

I hope.


~ Samurai's POV ~

I couldn't stop devouring one of them. I kept trying, but i just couldn't stop. As i looked to the door, one of them escaped. DAMN IT WHATS HAPPENING TO ME.


~ Sam's POV ~

As me and Alice were walking around and no gootrax for some reason. I felt a grab on my leg, and i screamed including Alce, i saw Harpy with no legs leaving a trail of blood. "HARPER WHO DID THS TO YOU?!" Alice screamed. "Don't, remember, name...*COUGH* *COUGH* ...Blue hair boots...Hot topic...BOX LUNCH" She then died. "That sounds familiar" I said. " does." Alice said. We then heard another bloody scream murder. 




~ James POV ~

As I was at the rooms where I remember being tested. As I saw a VHS tape and it said "LAVINA'S?!" I saw it, so I grabbed it to see it later. I then heard another scream, so I ran to where I heard it. 


*Before the scream*

~ Random person names Ava's POV ~

As I ran to the garden, I saw one of my friends waving at me. "FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO SURVIVED!" I said smiling. But something wasn't right. She looked dead but then she was ripped apart, and I saw it.

(Yes a cliffhanger)

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