Chapter 24: Why is it malfunctioning?!

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Not going to lie, that was a pretty scary dream. I knew my mom was there, but who was 010 and 008? Why did the 010 guy look familiar? And why the heck was dr. melissa there?!


< Samurai's POV: >

I told everyone about the dream a week ago and made a couple theories like, Regina: What if it means something? or Sam: maybe you're losing your mind? or Something like that. As I opened the door, I tried to grab my notebook and pencil, but the symbol flickered. I tried it again, but it just glitched and flickered or something. "The fuck?" I mumbled. I tried to do it again, but harder than before. I tried harder and harder than the symbol was flickering red until the notebook and pencil was set on fire (This got me cackling idk why💀) I screamed in frustration. I tried dumping water to set off the fire. I sighed in relief because I don't want to set this laboratory on fire.

I ran out of me and James room so I can catch up to them. They were at the safe zone. As I ran straight to the safe zone the lasers zapped me and I got thrown to the wall. "SAMURAI?!" Everyone simultaneously. 'Thats weird. It mostly lets me in' I pondered. "RRRGH WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON TODAY?!?!?!" I screeched. Everyone ran up to me including Kamila since she witnessed it. "The heck happened?!" James yelled. "YEAH, WE SAW YOU GET ZAPPED AND THROWN ACROSS THE AREA" Kamila exclaimed. "I-I don't know a lot of weirds things going on." I replied.

"Can we stop the talking; I NEED TO SPIN THE WHEEL AND KILL SOME SATURNS!!" Regina yelled. "Oh yeah." Michael said. "Well, we don't know what to do about it and maybe go kill some gootrax for us?" James blurted. "alright." I answered. "AWH FIDDLESTICKS I GOTTA GET BACK TO WEAPON DEALING THERES CROWDED PEOPLE WAITING FOR ME!!" Kamila exclaimed and ran back to the shop.

 I brought out my head taker and ran to the cafeteria. I saw some azarue's, sprinklekits, etc. They looked at me and ran to me. I was about to put my hand out but then the symbol flickered red and exploded a little. The gootrax backed up in fear. 'NOWS MY CHANCE' I ran and wacked them. They bleed glue. "HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW HUH?" I sadistically said for a second. I shook my head and they turned to goo. 'THE HECK IS HAPPENING TO ME?!" I thought. I ran out from the scene and ran into someone. "S-Sorry!" I got up and saw who it was. The person looked awfully like Dr. Carmine. The person ran straight to where most scientist offices were.

"Huh, weird." I mumbled. I got up and went to the crystal cave. I saw some group of hebi's. Wait, Last time blackout was 2 days ago. How'd they be there. They lunged at me and were about to attack me. I tried to hit them, but then my weapon snapped in half. "Damn it..." I anxiously said. it was about lunge at me again until I heard a slash. I opened my eyes until I saw everyone in front of me. "Sorry about that the line for the shop had crowded of people!" Alice yelled as the hebi collapsed on the floor. "...WAAAAA" I burst into tears. "U-Uh" James turned around and everyone gave a smug face.

"U-Uh, there, there everything's alright." James patted my head while giving the 'Why did they make me' face. "*Sniff* T-Thanks" I thanked. "Well maybe we should get ice cream since Ms. crybaby is acting like a 4-year-old." Regina sarcastically said and Sam punched her arm. "H-HEY!" Regina yelled. "Let's just get some ice-cream." Alice said annoyed. We walked up to the cafeteria and saw the same puddles. "The heck happened here?" Michael exclaimed. "I have no clue I just want ice cream." Sam demanded. 

As We walked, I turned around. For a split second, I saw the same symbol flicker red on the floor. My eyes widened, but I shrugged it off.

Also, why was Dr. Carmine there earlier?

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