Chapter 6: No way out.

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(I'm going to use other Pov's again because like I said, I want everyone to see everyone's perspective and want to know more about the various characters)


We closed our eyes, and it stopped. As we looked and open our eyes, it was killed. And there they were.

Regina and Sam.


~ Michael's POV: ~

"THERE YOU GUYS ARE WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU!!!" Sam screamed at us. "YEAH, WE ALMOST GOT INFECTED BY THOSE UGLY GODZILLA LIKE KAIJU!" Regina shrieked and turned to samurai. Oh no Shes going to probably roast samurai!!

"And who's this Grunge looking girl?" She points to Samurai. "And Who's this pick me girl?" Samurai says "BAHAHAHH!" I laughed so hard I had tears. Everyone glared at me except for Alice. "Nows not a good time to laugh mike." Alice sighed. WAIT A SECOND SHE NEVER SAID MIKE. DON'T GET FLUSTERD MICHAEL DON'T GET FLUSTERED SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU BACK PROBABLY!! But anyway, Samurai and Regina were glaring at each other. "u-uh let's not fight right now. we got to find the exit." Sam stated. "Yeah, I agree" I said.

As we went straight to the elevator, everything was dead Like you could hear a pin drop probably and saw a couple gootrax like Azarue's, Ghost Foxes, and my favorite ones which I feel bad killing, partyenas. To be honest, I don't like killing them, but its only for survival.  but the good thing is they didn't see us luckily, thank goodness! When Alice pressed the button for the elevator to open, it didn't work. "Dammit why isn't it working?!" Alice spammed pressed it and she stopped and turned to us. "Guys...I think we're stuck..." Alice looked frightened as I she saw a ghost.

Everyone was silent. We can't get out. "IT'S ALL THANKS TO CARMINE AND MELISSA" James yelled and punched the wall. "Calm down James, we won't get out if we're just get angry" Samurai said. "I agree." Regina spoke. "Yeah, your right." James said. "But First, want to get some tacos from the cafeteria? maybe it could cheer us up?" I said smiling. "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry" Sam said. "YAY WE'RE FRIENDS AGAIN PLUS" I cheered. "Welcome to the squad Samurai!" we all said simultaneously smiling. "Awwwww guys thank you!" Samurai squealed and Regina rolled her eyes.

(Time skip to Cafeteria and Still using Michael's Pov)

"These Tacos are good" James said. "Yeah, this is delicious Great idea Michael!" Sam complimented. "Aww thank you guys! you didn't have to-" We then heard some shuffling where the Ice cream was. "What's that sound?" samurai questioned. "Sprinklekit. James, go to Kamila's shop and get a Headtaker. "Alice said to James and he nodded. As it came out, it was a Sprinklekit. The SprinkleKit ran straight to us. I grabbed my Red Batsaber And i hit it. I knocked it out to buy some time, but i knew it wouldn't be for long.

 James came back with the headtaker, and gave it to Alice.  It was a black jagged scythe, that was glowing cerise pink. "Samurai, here you go." Alice gave it to Samurai. "W-what?!" Samurai said confused. "Use it or you want to get infected?" Alice said. "W-Well why can't you guys hit it" Samurai screamed "JUST DO IT GRUNGE GIRL LIKE SHE SAID!" Regina screamed. The Sprinklekit got up and ran straight to us so it can try to infect one of us. Samurai sighed and ran to the ice cream gootrax and wacked it, and it. we stand there hoping she defeated the sprinklekit...SHE DID IT!

"That...was...AWESOME!!!" I cheered and my eyes glamoured✨. "Wow great job kid." Sam ruffled Samurai's hair and her hat accidentally fall over, but she put it back on. "You did good samurai" Alice smiled. "But how will we get out of this lab?" I frowned.

"We'll see."


Extra: James getting a head taker

"And you gottt a spoonful!" Kamila cheered.

"A Spoonful are you FUCKING SERIOUS??" James yelled.

"Kamila there's a gootrax and we need a head taker RIGHT NOW!" James screamed.

"...Alright but this is the last crate and if you don't get it, not my problem." Kamila said.

She opened the crate and said "You gott *makes a drum roll sound* A HEADTAKER! :D" Kamila cheered.

"Ok now give it to me I'm in a hurry!" James yelled.

"Ok yeesh-" Kamila gave it to him and he stormed off.


(Just a clarification I should've said before, Samurai is not me! She was inspired by a character I often use for profiles or characters if you've mixed it up. Plus, she doesn't look like me.)

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