Chapter 21: Investigation On Site-01

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(this chapter won't really have the characters in it)


That wasn't that bad. But what if Regina's right. What if it is dangerous.


~ Samurai's POV: ~

I was finishing up patrolling and killing as much gootrax as I can. I was walking to Dr. Adler's office because he said he needed something. As I opened the office, he was just dozing off spacing out. He then lit up and looked at me. "Samurai! Your here." He walked out of his chair and came up to me. "Yeah uh, what do you need?" I questioned in a bored tone. "So, I need help to investigate site-01 cause its abandoned." He exclaimed.

"...And?" I replied. "Since I can't go there myself, I trust you to go there!" He smiled. "But why me?" I spoke. "Since you're the only person I know, I'm giving you an offer." He exclaimed. "No gootrax...Right?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "Hmmmm....Not that i know of!" He smiled. He's like Kamila, but a man plus not a weapon dealer.

"Alright then...Wait how do I get there?" I questioned. "Well, since the elevators are broken, you'll have to go to the vents since the sites are connected." He stated. Wait, I didn't know there were more than one. "Wait if we're more, what site are we in?" I said a dumb question. "Well, of course site-04!" He exclaimed. "Ok the, I'll go there then. I'm going to grab the stuff I need. Farewell Adler." I waved as I opened the door, and he waved back.

I went to the dorms, and I went to me and James room. As I opened the door, I saw James. "Oh, hey samurai." James waved. "Hey James. you're not going to see me because I'm doing something for Adler." I said while packing a flashlight and my headtaker in a bag. "Ok. Also, maybe when you get back, we can hang out?" He states. "Maybe. I got to go, bye." I waved and he waved back.

*Time skip*

~ Samurai's POV: ~

I opened the vent using my powers since it was pretty hard to open it. I brought my flashlight out and levitated it so I won't keep holding it. It looked like our site, but instead it was dark, dusty, and had papers everywhere. As I walked around, there were markings Like 'TURN AROUND' or 'BEWARE THE GOOTRAX' I was getting pretty creeped out already. I also had to bring a camera for to bring evidence since Adler wants to know what's going on over at site-01.

Everything looked exactly like site-04. Except no garden, no safe zone, and no support cave. Think of it like a lab that mostly experimented. I saw a paper that had Carmilla and Melissa's signature. So, they've been here long, I guess. I walked to a staff room, and it was pretty huge. I saw some papers and had some subject names like Becki, Alan, or Hailey. I saw something under the floor, So I tried to open it by using My abilities. There was a dead corpse, cockroaches, and paper with bloody handwriting. I was now even more scared and disgusted. WHY DID HE CHOOSE ME TO COME HERE?!

I grabbed the papers and looked at them. Nothing interesting, just weird conspiracies. I then heard a child giggling.  My eyes widened and I turned around. I saw a child figure standing in front of me, turned around. I blinked and saw something crawl. My flashlight fell on the ground. I quickly grabbed it at turned it on.

Nothing was there.

I sighed in relief and proceeded to walk around. I saw some old keycards, very dusty in this site. "Why is it so damn dusty?!" I yelled. I walked to another staff room. I looked around and saw a bloody marking saying, 'DON'T LOOK BEHIND' "What the f-" I was interrupted by a book falling which startled me. I then heard a Dog panting. "Who's there?" I yelled. Then this figure walked out of the shadows. 

It was a slime pup.

But instead, a diamond type. According to Sam, Diamond slime pups are rare and when you kill one, you get what they called a diamond crate. It had a golden Hexagon shaped collar, and the collar was red. Its tail was wagging. I then noticed it holding a keycard with its mouth. "Aww, what a slime pup doing here all alone?" I said in a babyish voice.

It walked up to me and drop the keycard with 0 slobber for some reason. I grabbed the keycard/nametag and read it.

'002, Genevieve W.'

"Wait, that's my mom's name-" I mumbled, and the slime pup looked at me innocently. It wanted me to touch its collar, so I did. A hologram like message came out of the collar. The heck? I read some of the messages like

Send Carmine File.mp5

Go to Site-03 for 'END MY MISERY' -Genevieve

Head to vents for Laminax Ex.

"Site-02?" I asked and it nodded. "But where? Who are you?" I questioned. Then my timer went out because Adler told me to put a timer for 1 hour for some reason. "I'll be leaving, do I bring you or something?" I questioned and nodded no. I went back to where I came from and came from the site-04 entrance.

(Sorry I ran out of ideas for this chapter. Also, from now on, I'm gonna post 1 chapter.)

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