Chapter 3: First Day

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~ Samurai's POV: ~

Todays the first day of my job and I got my name tag yesterday! looks really cool! I got ready and put on my black sweater I usually wear. under my black sweater was an off shoulder knit dress which was grey, and I wore black shorts and black boots. As I was walking around the city and searching for the huge Lab, I heard those annoying people who gossip a lot, and they said "Did you heard? Someone disappeared in the new lab everyone's going to" the gossiper said. "Yeah, I heard. Did they find out who?" "No, but we know it's a male." The two lame gossip bitches said. "Weird-ass gossipers." I mumbled.

As I got in the elevator and it opened, there were two people sitting in the couch and one of them looked familiar and one I never saw my whole life probably. Their nametags had 'James' and 'Alice'. "ALICE ITS YOU AGAINN :D" I said out loud and cheerfully. "You said you didn't Know my name before



*Flashback ends*

"Oh yeah...I remember now..." I said when I realized. I looked over and see a boy that I believed his name was James next to her. he had black hair and had white hair tips and had a guard suit. and had a sword on his back and had a name tag. The weird thing he had was that he wore a Black blind fold on his eyes. "Can you see with those blind folds?" I blurted out and Alice gave me the "Why would you say that" Type of face. "None of your business." he said Calmly. He sounded like that character I knew from and anime. 

"You should probably go. Dr. Carmine and Dr. Melissa are waiting for you probably." Alice said coldly as if she didn't want me there anymore. "Oh alright, BYE JAMESSS BYE ALICE" I waved and ran. As I walked to the office that I believe Dr. Carmine and Dr. Melissa was in. As I walked on my way to the office, I saw a man and a girl leaning the wall. The girl with really long dirty blonde hair that went up to her knees with a half ponytail, and a butterfly pin on her hair. She had legwarmers and wore a pink coat and had a nebula looking bat behind her back. Her Nametag had 'Regina' on it. She was giving me a dirty look which why would I know why?

Next to her was a thin guy (NOT UNDERWEIGHT AS IN NORMAL THIN) That had a tactical guard outfit which had unknown gadgets and had maroon messy hair and sunglasses. His nametag had 'Sam' on it. 

These people are weird like there outfits seemed pretty unnecessary. As I finally got to the office WHICH SEEMED LIKE FOREVER!! I saw the scientists...

Dr. Carmine, And Dr. Melissa.

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