Chapter 31: Ok, that's A LOT of Hebi's

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(This chapter is kind of going to be focusing on James and Samurai and know James little secret which you guys probably already know which I mentioned in a chapter-)


We went to bed, and she fell asleep really fast then I expected.


When she woke up, she was beautiful. But in the inside, it felt like everything apart of her was BLEEDING...

<Samurai's POV:>

I put on my grey off shoulder knit dress, I tied my black oversized crop off shoulder sweater in my waist, my orange facemask, my pilot like cap, black boots, and calve length black socks. I put on my blue green colored ribbon choker, and then I walked out of the dorm, and everyone was talking. "Took you long enough." Regina said while kneeling in the wall. We went to downstairs to the laboratory, and everyone was quiet. "So, no blackholes?" Alice asked and I shook my head. She nodded and we got downstairs. Everyone was awkward since we've been quiet lately.

I put on the metal bracelet that lets me inside the safe zone, and we went inside the safe zone. Regina was trying to make a bet with someone to get the persons gun, while Sam and Alice were arguing how cooler their weapon was. I was talking to James and Michael was reading the bestiary. "And so that's why I don't play sports." I concluded while James was just listening. 

Then the lights flickered and shut off. "Sorry guys no weapons today!" Kamila gave a peace sign and pulled down a roll up door. A weird thing when blackout comes is that James looks like as if he's hiding intrusive thoughts. (Like how I had an intrusive thought to look at the partial eclipse with no glasses, but I didn't look at it-) "Are you ok?" I tapped on his shoulder, and he lit up. "Oh yeah, just uh, thinking of something but we should go." He responded. We got off and everyone gathered. We heard screaming, hitting, and shooting.

"Ok so here's the plan. Me and Michael will patrol around the safe zone, Regina and Sam will patrol the support cave, and lastly Samurai and James will patrol the crystal cave. Understand everyone?" Alice commanded and we nodded. "Alright, let's go!" Alice yelled.  Me and James ran to the crystal cave and saw a hebi attacking a scientist.

James ran to the hebi and grabbed it by the tail and pinned it. "W-WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING US?? AREN'T YOU ONE OF-" The hebi's head got sliced off by James's katana and sheathed it. "Any injuries sir?" I questioned the scientist, and he shook his head. "Be safe out there!" I yelled as he ran. I opened my mouth to questioned what it meant, but I thought James probably didn't hear it. We walked around the crystal cave. I got this awkward feeling but at the same time something else. I can kind of still see him looking like as if he was still fighting intrusive thoughts. I can tell from what feeling I'm getting and not physically because of the blind folds. "Ok now you're starting to scare me, why are you acting weird?" I asked.

" It's nothing. Thanks for asking though." He thanked. "Well of course! you're my best friend!" (ADRIEN STOP POSSEING SAMURAI-) I exclaimed, and he looked disappointed. Though I like him more than just a friend. BUT ANYWAY, he stopped walking and I turned to him. "Somethings wrong." He spoke. "What do you mean?" I questioned.  I then looked and saw green eyes staring at us. It lunged at us, and I blocked its attack with my head taker. It fell in the floor on its back. It the stand up and looked at one of us. It grinned at James, and I can tell James was like, 'Bro stop looking at me it's weird af' face.

It lunged at James and James froze. I ran in front of James and Blocked the attack. Instead, it was a strong attack that me and James fell 2 feet in the ground. We groaned in pain and I stood up. I ran to the hebi and slashed its neck. It collapsed in the Ground, and I was catching my breath.

<James POV:>

I got up in the ground and I noticed my blind folds fell on the ground. My eyes widened when samurai was about to turn around. I covered my eyes and tried to find my blind folds. I couldn't feel it on the ground, and I heard footsteps. "Why do you even need blind folds?" Samurai questioned as I tried to find my blind folds while covering my eyed with my left hand.  "Y-You won't understand just help me find them!" I exclaimed. 

I heard footsteps and I felt a tug. I turned with my left hand covering my eyes. "Look, if you show me, I won't be scared. Besides, I've watched the terrifier 2 so I've seen worse!" She teased. I looked down and said with hesitation, "O-Ok..."


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