Chapter 16: What in the world happened?!

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I hope we'll find out what happened.


~ Samurai's POV ~

"AAH!" I screamed as I woke up. I looked around and I was in the infirmary. "What happened? All I remembered was black stuff coming straight to me when I tried turning all the lights." I said to myself. "Yeah, no shit sherlock." I heard a familiar voice. It startled me. "Regina! What the heck happened?!" I questioned her. "Well, uh that's a long story."

(After telling what happened)

"I did those things?" I said horrified and she nodded. "Well, we don't know how and why it happened." She said typing in her phone. 'Well, is there a way to reverse it?" I made a strained anxious smile. "Nope. What we heard about the Lavinax is that it's rare to become one and it's not curable. But you're not a complete one Yet." She said calmly. 

"Well, how could I not- you know?" I made a weird hand gesture. "Well don't try to use your powers that much like in that show I used to watch." She stated. "Oh alright." I said in relief.

(Time skip to after healing which was 4 days later)

As I walked straight to where this 'Secret' library was, I saw everyone talking with all a concerned face, they turned to me, and their faces lit up. "SAMURAI?!" One of them had a smile and some had the 'How the heck your still alive?!' Face. They all ran straight to me, and everyone was speaking chaotically at the same time.

"GUYS GUYS WAIT" I said, and everyone was quiet. "I heard what happened, can one of you explain what that was all about, even though I read about it in the bestiary?" I said and all of them looked at each other and looked at me.

"James and Regina know about it since they've been here the longest and had encountered a Lavinax before." Alice said. "Sam has been here the longest too but has never encountered one before" Michael said. "You know you don't always have to say it for me." Sam crossed his arms and looked away. "Anyway, let's go tell you what it is I guess." Regina said and James nodded. 

"Ok, I'll say it first." James said and Regina agreed. "lavinax is the most powerful gootrax even surpassing the Nightcrawler of the laboratory. It was an experiment that had gone really wrong. (Pretend it flashes some images of the Lavinax battling or killing people idk your choice) it used to terrorize Laminax laboratory before you came. It killed a ton of innocent people, and it is said people can become a lavinax if your special, or something like that. Although it may seem cool, the more you use It, the riskier it is you can become one, or even worse risks. Dr. Carmine was known to discover this virus, and desired of using this gootrax. She tried and tried to become one, but it never worked for her. That is all we know, and we're scared you would become one of them, and we'll lose you." James said and Regina made a serious face. "Also, you won't have an anthropomorphic appearance, just huge bat like wings, Red slit eyes, black claws, and jagged canine teeth." Regina assured me.

I was scared. There's no cure for it. I'm stuck like this. How will i know if I won't become one?

(Guys my computer charger is broken, so it'll be hard for me to post)

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