Chapter 22: Diamonds are a girl's best friend

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I went back to where I came from, and I opened the vents which took me back to site-04.


~ Samurai's POV: ~

Me and everyone also including the whole laboratory were at the cafeteria eating since it was our lunch break. "How are we even going to find Dr. Carmilla and Melissa so we can end this misery?" Alice questioned as we were having a conversation. "I don't know, but I'd sad if I won't see you guys again." Kamila frowned as she looked down here ice cream. "Kamila, we've been here for 2 months, and I'm already losing my mind." Sam replied. "They don't seem do be here, but I know there hiding like cowards, so they won't get caught." James stated. "And plus, they already are making our lives miserably." Regina replied. "Well, the good thing is that we have each other!" Michael smiles and gave him a dirty look.

"Well, even if we get out of here, we can still have contact." Regina stated while smirking at me and James which kind of made me embarrassed. As I was about to bite my cake, a guard ran straight to the cafeteria, and yelled "THERES A DIAMOND SLIMEPUP GUYS!!" And every turned and everyone ran out of the cafeteria in a blink of an eye.

 "A SLIMEPUP?! I'M GOING!" Regina yelled and ran. "COUNT ME IN!!" Sam yelled so Regina could hear. "Well, let's go find this 'Diamond slimepup' and see if we get a diamond crate." James said. "Well, I got to go to the shop and prepare for a ton of people. Sayonara! ~" Kamila walked out of the cafeteria. "Well, she left pretty quick." Alice blurted.  "Are you coming Samurai?" James questioned. I rested my head on my hand and looked loopy looking at him for a second then I shook my head. "O-Oh sorry I'm coming!" I walked out of my seat and followed them. I don't know what I felt there for a second, but oh well.

We saw a ton of crowded people running around the laboratory, what I assumed searching for it.  "Let's split up guys." Michael told us and we nodded. These days, I get kind of nervous when we split up ever since the Lavinax incident. As I searched for it, I began to ponder if it was the slimepup from the abandoned laboratory. I probably know where its exactly at.

- Time skip to 6 minutes later -

I went to the garden and straight to the stairs. I don't really like slime pups, but I only kill them if they bite or harass me. I then saw the diamond slime pup. I felt feral for a second because ITS A DIAMOND SLIMEPUP I COULD GET A POWERFUL WEAPON, but the other reason was because I don't know. It was whimpering because it looked pretty beaten up. "Aw don't worry buddy, remember me from site-01?" I exclaimed and it nodded.

"Look, it's not safe to be here. I can help you get back." I whispered and it nodded. "So how will they not catch you?" then I lit up.

this is a bad idea.

It climbed on my back, and it felt weird. As I got to the entrance, someone spotted me, and I shushed him. He nodded and I went to the vents. There were three directions, but I knew where it was. I got to site-01 and the slime pup climbed out of my back. "It looks lonely, you sure you want to stay?" I asked and it nod while its tail was wagging. I went back to the vent and got back to site-04. I went to where everyone was, and a lot of people looked gloomy. "Guys what happened?" I questioned. "Well, it appears it got away. Regina's crying it the bathroom because it wasn't found." Sam pointed to the bathroom. "Well, let's leave her be." I replied and we all agreed. We went back to our dorms, and I sat in the spinny chair.

"By the way, where were you?" James asked with a suspicious look. "OH UH- JUST FINDING IT TOO!" I came with an excuse. "Ok then. Wanna go do something?" He questioned. "Oh, uh sure." I replied kind of flustered. 

When I was on site-01, I saw a paper saying 'BEWARE THE WATERMELON SHORK ON SITE-02'

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