Chapter 29: Legion of doom 2

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(I'm sorry if this is cringe if it is do not complain it's not really my fault -.- )


I don't want to even think about her and every experiment they laid on me.


                     When she woke up, she was beautiful. But in the inside, it felt like everything apart of her was BLEEDING...

<~Samurai's POV:~>

Everything has been doing well lately, just that the gootrax population has been increasing while the humans have been decreasing. And everyone was patrolling to make sure no one could get infected. Me and Michael were walking around the crystal caves searching for threats. "This is taking so long!!" I sighed in frustration. "Don't worry samurai! We only have...5 Hours!" Michael exclaimed. "Yeah, no shit sherlock." I mumbled. We walked to the garden and saw slimepup. Michael ran straight to them to pet them. I was annoying tapping my foot while holding my headtaker. "Sorry about that, let's go back to patrolling!" He exclaimed and I sighed in annoyance.

We went back to the crystal cave and saw everyone running. Then me and Michael tried to look what they were running from. We then saw a horde of gootrax. "ARE YOU GUYS STUPID?! RUN!!" Sam yelled while running past us. "Oh yeah. AAAAAAH" Michael realized. I froze while the gootrax ran straight to me. I closed my eyes, but they ran through me. I then realized why so I ran another direction to where everyone was at. 

I saw them in the north sector, catching their breath. I ran to them, and they ran to me. "SAMURAI, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Alice exclaimed. "Well apparently, they ran through me- Wait, why didn't they run through Sam too?" I realized.

"Well unlike you, it was only his arm that was infected and, in my theory, yours is possibly hereditary." James states. "Oh, I see." I replied. "But anyway, why did you guys run?" I exclaimed. "There's too much then the last horde." Regina replied. "We need someone strong. With a powerful weapon." Michael says. We all lit up and said, "Kamila!". "But didn't she say she was a coward of gootrax?" Alice questioned.

"Your right, but doesn't she wield a M134? Thats what I heard." I questioned and they all nodded. "Samurai and James, could you try convincing her while me, Michael, and Sam find and keep those horde of gootrax at bay?" Alice commanded. Also, you know how I can't go to the safe zone? well Dr. Adler gave me a weird metal bracelet that could let me in (Little head canon lol)

Regina and Sam gave a smug face, and I gave a death glare. Me and James waved at them and walked to where the safe zone. "So, uh got to tell you something." James blurted out. "Uh, yeah?" I replied. "So uh, I have been waiting but I think I-" I then panicked (✨Asexual panic attack✨) "OH LOOK WE'RE HERE HAHAHAH-" I pointed to the safe zone and laughed nervously. He shrugged and we walked in.

Looks like the metal bracelet worked. We saw Kamila looking at her phone and started to laugh. She then saw us and smiling then through her phone. "GUYS!! I MISSED YOU!!" Kamila exclaimed. "Yeah, yeah, anyway we need your help." James replied. "Sure! I love doing anything!" She exclaimed.  "We need your help with a horde of gootrax." I blurted and her eyes widened.

"OH NO, NO, NO! I CAN'T FIGHT THEM WHAT I MY M134 BREAKS DOWN?!" they cry. "It won't, but please help us. Your pretty much our only hope." James begs.  "...I'll try to think about it." She ponders. "Ok but you have to think about it really quick, there's a lot and we might end up turning into Furry's even though some of us know-" James said. "Alright. Sayonara guys!" Kamila exclaims and we both waved to her. "Hope everyone's still alive." I blurted out.

"I hope too." James replied.  We saw them fighting the gootrax in the distance and ran to them. I know James wears black blind folds, but I can tell he's panicking. Alice got pinned down by a Mocha and it was grinning at her. I put my hand out and the symbol appeared, and the Mocha got flung. "SAMURAI DON'T!" James yelled and I raised an eyebrow. The symbol flickered yellow and red and then My hand turned into and uncontrollable black hole. I started panicking and then James sliced my hand to stop it.

< 3rd person POV: >

As everyone was distracted, Samurai couldn't control the black hole in her hand. James sliced her hand, and then Samurai fell in the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? LEAVE ME AND G-G-GO HELP THE OTHERS MAN!!" Samurai yelled in frustration, and he ran to where everyone was. 

<Samurai's POV:>

I tried to get up, but then my vision flickered red and yellow. I shook my head and my vision turned to normal. My hand regenerated and it still had grey gloves and black goo seeping out of my wrist. 'How the heck can it duplicate' I thought. I grabbed my head taker and joined the fight. I hit a shade, and it was bleeding goo on its neck. 

Some gootrax slit me in the arms and legs. I winced in pain, but I shook my head, and continued fighting. Sam's crystal gasher snapped in half. "DAMMIT!" He yelled and Regina threw a spare weapon for him to use.

 We then got cornered because the slime pups were apart of them and stole our weapons. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" Michael cries. "I THOUGHT YOU GUYS GOT KAMILA!!" Regina screamed. "WELL, SHE KIND OF SAID NO!" I replied. "UGHHH!!!" Sam sighed in frustration. "Well, if one of us except for me, I MEAN Sam and Samurai, get infected. I hope they'll still remember!" James said in a Last word tone of voice. We then Saw Kamila running in the distance with a M134. "THATS ENOUGH YOUR HORDE OF MEANIES!!" Kamila yelled in a hero voice. "AAAAAAA" Kamila starts shooting all the gootrax surrounding us. She had a couple of goo splattered in her and was catching her breath.

"KAMILA YOU ACTUALLY CAME!" Alice said relieved. "Well, I may be popular for being a weapon dealer, but you guys are my only friends!" Kamila exclaimed. "No, we got to go the infirmary; we have a lot of deep injuries..." Regina said. "Yeah, even though I can regenerate, those injuries were deep..." I spoke. I felt pretty lightheaded from the side effects and blood loss. 

"Let's go there right now..." Alice commands and we walked to the infirmary.

I hope I won't be controlled again.

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