Chapter 20: Addict

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As we were walking to where Michael was. I had a feeling I wanted to use my abilities like as if its calling to me. But whatever


~ Samurai's POV: ~

Everyone was doing what they always do. Sam got cured, but he permanently had a manic like right arm, so he wears a glove under his sleeve. Regina and James are talking in the cafeteria and everyone else were patrolling. It was my day off, so I was in my dorm staring at the wall. I thought about if I can try to use it. then I thought, it wouldn't hurt to use right now...right?

*What James and Regina was doing*

~ 3rd person POV: ~

"So yeah, Ava was like 'You should get fired' and then I was like, 'Well, maybe a 16-year-old should get fired and has never fucked anybody' so then she got tackled by a partyena and is at the infirmary, So yeah. *Chewing on Taco' so what did you do?" Regina said while chewing on a piece of food. "Nothing really, just working together with samurai, nothing usual." James replied while sipping his drink.

"What? Your together with her or something?" Regina exclaimed while chewing on a Taco. James turned red and said "NO DEFINETLY NOT LIKE THAT!" James yelled in embarrassment, and everyone was shocked. 'Dude, never seen you had an outburst in forever." She exclaimed. "S-Sorry." He apologized. "No need." She replied. 'It's just. I never liked anybody." He said in a sorrowed voice. "Dude, you used to have a crush on me. remember?" She said annoyed and cringed out face. "Oh yeah. That was just a phase." He replied. "Oh ok." She said in relief.

"Well, uh, do you like anybody?" She questioned. "Ehhh kind of" he doubted. "Well, who?" Regina muffled while chewing on a Taco. James gave the 'Are you fucking kidding me' face even though you can't see his reaction. "...Ohhhhhh" Regina realized then mad a smug face. "Looks like my old buddy likes somebody heheheheh" She cooed while he was triggered.

"Well then, if you feel like it, then tell her. If your too shy, then don't-" Regina stated. "Ok...I'm going to go then, Bye." James waved while he walked out of the cafeteria. When he thought about it, he then remembered the secret he can't tell anybody. You see, it's pretty obvious but he's a half hebi. Although he's half, he's still able to go to the safe zones. If he takes off his blindfold, people are going to point it out. Anyway, BACK TO SAMURAI.

~ Samurai's POV: ~

I placed the object in front of me, then i put my hand out. I tried thinking of what I want to do with it. A symbol appears in front of my hand, and the object floats. "HAHAH YES!" I exclaimed. Regina thinks it's dangerous, but what the heck Shes thinking? I heard a knock on the door. "hey, its Alice, Your day offs pretty much over." Alice replied outside the door. "COMING!" I put my hand down and the object falls to the ground.

That wasn't that bad. But what if Regina's right. What if it is dangerous.

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