Chapter 4: The Meeting

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As I got into the office, I saw the scientists.

Dr. Carmine and Dr. Melissa


~ Samurai's POV: ~

"Hello, I'm Dr. Carmine, and this is Dr. Melissa." Dr. Carmine said and Dr. melissa quietly nodded her head. Dr. Carmine had Hazel eyes, Black hair and a messy bun. She wore a lab coat and wore glasses. Dr. Melissa had brunette hair. Brown eyes. a low ponytail, had a tan skin tone, and wore a lab coat also. "Thank you for coming Ms.-..." She forgot...didn't she? "I-its Samurai." I said nervously. "I apologize for forgetting your name Ms. samurai. Though you do have a unique name" Dr. Melissa said which sort of sounded suspicious which kind of scared me... "So, what brings you to our office in your first day?" She said which slightly intimidated me. "Oh uh, *clears throat* I was going to ask what I'll do, and I don't know where to go." I laughed nervously and both of the scientists raised an eyebrow. "May I show her around Carmine" Dr. Melissa questioned.

"You may my, friend" she said. "Follow me." Dr. Melissa said. "A-Alright" I said.

(time skip cause why not?)

 As we went straight to the cafeteria, I saw a shop, and had a girl selling inside the shop. She had pale blonde hair tied in a ponytail, a tiny star placed in her cheek, and she wore a watermelon pink colored bow tie headband. She wore a long baggy sleeved teal sweater which had a daisy in her chest. She wore a knee length tiered skirt, wore fishnet pants and wore beautiful lace boots. Her nametag Had 'Kamila' on it. She waved back at me with a happy face, and I waved back.

"I see you've saw Kamila" she said, and I'd nodded. "Who is she?" She stopped walking. "Kamila is a weapon dealer and sells powerful weapons and rare crates. such as nebula bats, gold scythes and sledgehammers, Diamond crates, and other weapons and crates you could think of." She spoke. "Weapons? Crates? Why would you need that??" I spoke suspiciously. She looked a little scared and nervous, like as if she doesn't want me to know why. "Uh-You'll know later." She said and sweat dropped down her face. Thats weird...

As we got into the cafeteria, I saw James and Alice eating, and they were with someone else I never saw. "James, Alice, Michael, this is Samurai" She pointed to me. "She'll be working with you guys alongside Regina, Kamila, and Sam." She spoke. wait a in like the people I saw earlier? I'll ask questions later.

"Thank you for bringing her Dr. Melissa." Alice said "I'll be leaving, I got to do...some stuff with Dr. Carmine. show Samuri around you three." Dr. Melissa Said to the three "Yes Dr. Melissa" The three said simultaneously which kind of scared me. "YAY A NEW FRIEND IN OUR SQUAD!! WE HAVEN'T HAD ONE IN FOREVER!1 :D" The loud boy I believed was named Michael. He had Dark brown messy hair and Amber eyes. He had a tactical guard suit and boots similar to the Sam guy, but not a lot of gadgets. "Great to have you in our squad I guess." Alice said. "Be careful with Regina and Sam by the way." James blurted out. "Why?" I asked. "There mean so it's not worth to talk to them." Alice said.

"Wait before we should give her a tour, should we tell her?" Michael said concerned. "Alice, we should probably tell her about the you know?" James said to Alice. Alice sighed "We should." Alice said" "Did they tell you?" Alice questioned. "Tell me what?" I questioned. "The gootraxians." James said. "A what now?" I spoke.

"We'll tell you."

(Haha cliffhanger)

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