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I don't want to see her, hear her, or even think about her.


                                                                        Dream way to the past.

<James POV>

I was walking around the facility dozing off hearing people saying, "Why is Subject 020 walking around here?" or "He's going to get so in trouble! -Laughs-" I began to frown hearing people talking behind my back. I was looking around and crashed into someone, making us both fall. I realized I crashed into Regina, and she was rubbing her head "S-Sorry Regina!" I apologized. "No, it's fine I wasn't looking!" Regina laughed nervously re-adjusting her black round glasses. She grabbed some papers and so I tried to help her.

"You don't have to-" I interrupted her saying "No really, I do want to help you." I exclaimed. "Thank you, James." She smiled. I was about to say something until I heard the speaking saying,

"Attention all scientist, subjects, and assistants, please go to Site-05 to meet a new subject."

Me and Regina looked at each other, then shrugging. We were on our way to site-05 and we were quiet. "I was thinking of dying my hair slightly dark pink. Some people want me to keep my dark brown hair. What's your suggestions?" She asked and I began to ponder. "Well, it's your choice!" I replied. "Looks like we're here." I stopped walking and Regina did too.

We walked Inside and we saw many employees. "Thank you all for coming." Dr. Carmine said. "We don't do this assembly very often or bring subjects to the assembly." Dr. Carmine states while Dr. Melissa nods. "I have to go up there since I'm the assistant. See you later!" Regina whispers and I waved. "We want you to meet subject 011- I mean 026." Dr. Melissa says while a figure comes out. (Yes, I'm going to say her appearance again ha-ha) She had Dark auburn brown hair, neon yellow eyes, long grey sleeve thigh length sweater with a necklace, shearling boots, and calve length black socks.

She was making a weird pose and some employees cringed. I could tell Dr. Melissa was intimidated by her since there were rumors about them knowing each which I heard some people saying earlier. "I am pleased to be here again." She spoke. She had a weird voice (CoUgH cOuGH ELDRITCH J) "I hadn't said my name yet. Laugh. I'm Alina." She introduced herself. "We would be happy if someone showed her around." Dr. Carmine gave a strained smile. "Let 020 and Regina show her around." everyone pointed at me and then pointed at Regina holding a clipboard. "Aww! I wanted to show her around!" A girl with blond hair with a bow plus a ponytail yelled. 

"Annoyed expression." Alina blurted while smiling, turning to Dr. Melissa while Melissa cringed. "Very well then, Regina, James- I MEAN 020, Please show 020 around." Dr. Carmine commanded. Dr. Melissa whispered to Dr. Carmine, "Are you sure we should bring 011 back after 13 years ago incident?" Dr melissa whispered. "Yes, I'm sure. if she causes problems, we'll exterminate her or lock her up." Dr. Carmine whispered back.

"Thats the end of the assembly. Now you two show her around." Dr. Carmine pointed onward to the exit. "Y-Yes Dr. Carmine and Melissa!" Me and regina yelled simultaneously. My eyes drifted Into Alina. She gave me a grin and her eyes glowed for a second.



                                                                          *Dream ends*

I woke up when I felt being slapped. "HEY WHAT THE?!" I yelled. "Dude, we've been trying to wake you up." Alice said frustrated. "Oh." I realized. "We can't always read your expressions because of the blind folds." Samurai blurted and everyone stared at her with a 'You just HAD TO SAY THAT' face. "What?!" She questioned. "Yeah, so get your ass up." Sam demanded. 

"Ok fine, yeesh." I responded. I then got ready while everyone was waiting outside. I then looked to see if anyone wasn't peeking. I walked up to the replaced mirror and looked at my blindfolds. I got flashbacks of being experimented. I shook my head and went outside to where everyone was at.

I don't want to even think about her and every experiment's they laid on me.

(I wanted to make a devoted chapter for James because I felt like it👌)

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