Chapter 27: Who is Alina?

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Wait...Didn't I hear a person named Alina in my dream?


<Samurai's POV:>

We were killing some hordes of pseudo shorks and normal ones in the flooded area. "I HATE SHARKS IT REMINDS ME OF JAWS!!" Michael wailed. "CALM DOWN THERES ONLY A COUPLE MORE!" Regina yelled back. We finished them all and we were drenched and frustrated. "GREAT NOW THE HAIR DYE IS DRIPPING!! NOW I HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE DORMS TO FIX THEM!! INCLUDING MY GREEN BUTTERFLY HAIRPIN" Regina shrieks while makeup was dripping from her eye, and I saw dark pink stuff dripping and I see a little bit of her natural hair color (Which is dark brown). "Does it really look like we care Regina? Just go to the dorms and get clean up then." Alice asked annoyed and Regina walked away, enraged.

"Shes right though, I'm drenched too." I blurted out. "Yeah, let's go back to our dorms and get dried up, besides everyone in the laboratory is going to the dorms already." James said. 

-Time skip to dorms-

"I forgot something in the support cave, I'll be right back." James said got out of our desk. "Ok, but I gotta ask you something." I replied. "Hm?" He questioned. "Who's Alina?" I questioned and I saw him flinch and froze. He looked at the frame and he noticed why I asked. "...We don't talk about her." He responded in a stern voice. "Sorry..." I frowned. He went outside and closed the door. I got out of bed and looked at the reflection. The mirror shattered and it startled me. "If the black hole appears in my arm I'm going to rage-" I accidentally jinxed myself and it appeared in my right armed gloves. "OH, COME ON!!" I shrieked and panicked. It exploded, but it wasn't worse like before.

I can see the black goo seeping out of my gloves. I sighed and grabbed a towel. I then heard banging and I looked at the vents. Then a diamond slimepup fell out of the vents and face planted on the floors. "You again?!" The slimepup got up and wagged its tail. "You can't be here!" I whispered. It pointed at the collar, and I tapped on it. The same hologram message popped up and It asked saying,

'I wanted to see how you're doing :)'

I looked at the black goo seeping leaving a stain at the end of my wrist length glove. I sighed again and said, "I'm doing ok. By the way, who's Alina?" I questioned it and its ears went timid, and its eyes widened. It then responded,

'It's best not to talk to her. She was a lavinax host and did bad stuff a long time ago and 9 years ago, she caused even worse stuff =('

It whined. '9 years ago, I was 15 years old, damn.' I thought. I shook my head and responded. "Thats a little bit info-" I was interrupted by footstep and my eyes widened. "You need to go now!" I whispered. I gave it a boost and it went to the vents. The door opened and I closed the vents. "Hi, I'm back." He spoke. "OHH HEY!" I said resting my head in my hand and standing. "okkkk? But anyway, I got a donut for the two of us, want some?" He offered. "Oh sure!" I walked up to him and gave me one. "Also sorry for earlier, you'll know later." He blurted out. I finished the donut VERY QUICK and said, "Oh its ok." I responded. "How did you even finish it that quick? -" He said in a 'that's not possible' voice.

"You'll know later." I mocked and we laughed. "I'm going to bed. We had a long day." I blurted and he nodded.

-Time skip to next day-

<Regina's POV:>

Me and Alice were inside our dorm getting ready and I was checking if I missed any spots for the hair dye. "You ready?" Alice questioned and I nodded. I walked back and I stared at the clip stringed photos at the wall. I looked down to Me and James when we were younger, and Alina, but her face was scribbled out.

 I froze getting flashbacks of incidents. "Regina! are you coming?" Alice came back to the door, and I shook my head. "Oh yeah, coming!" I responded walking outside the dorm.

- time skip to after battling -

After Me and Samurai finished off a glubby, we walked to the crystal cave where some of us were at. "Hey Regina?" Samurai said. "Uh, yeah?" I responded. "Do you happen to know anyone named Alina?" Samurai asked and I froze. I got some flashes but then I snapped out of it. I thought 'No, Shes not here anymore. Shes at site-05.'  told her, "How did you know?" I questioned. "In my dream a couple weeks ago, if you remember There was someone named Alina and saw someone named Alina in a picture frame." She exclaimed.

"*Sigh* She was a lavinax like you but, way stronger. She was practically immortal and terrorized the lab. She was locked away, but 9 years ago she came back but no one recognized her and she befriended me and James. We thought she was nice and sweet yet weird, but when she had enough with the abuse, she began terrorizing the laboratory. She disappeared into site-05, but we don't know where she is." I gave a speech to her. Samurai was kind of shocked but not really.

"Also, FYI She is known to often control gootrax kind of including you." I blurted out. "...That sounds traumatizing." She exclaimed. "It was. No let's go." I said sternly.

I don't want to see her, hear her, or even think about her.


Name: Alina ???

Subject: 011-026

Pronoun: She/It

Appearance: Dark auburn brown hair why neon yellow eyes, Front hair has low bands (Similar to cyn lol) Medium length half ponytail with long sleeve thigh length dress with 026 or 011 on the shoulder, with a necklace, shearling boots, and calve length black socks.

Alignment: Evil

Species: Lavinax (Host)

Headcanon voice: ELDRITCH J IDK

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