Chapter 10: Hello Kamila!

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"How are we going to stop them?" Melissa questioned "I don't know yet, but we'll see" I grinned widely.


~ Samurai's POV: ~

It took me 2 weeks to heal, and I got back to my feet. While I was healing, everyone would come visit me or give me food since I founded out, I sprained my leg, but its healed now. As I was about to get out of the infirmary, Alice ran up to me and said, "Kamila needs you like, RIGHT NOW" She pointed to the direction where she was. "Uh, ok? How long did it take you to even run up here?" I questioned. "NO QUESTIONS, JUST GO" She huffed for air and shrugged.

(Time skip bc time skip)

As I walked to the safe zone, I saw Kamila spacing out, and she looked at me. "SAMURAI YOU'RE HERE!!! :D" She smiled and waved really fast. I walked straight to her and said, "So uh, what do you need me for?" I questioned raising and eyebrow. "So uh, I wasn't able to fix your headtaker, BUT! ☝" She yelled like she sounded confident, and everyone stared at us. "I need your help with something!" She smiled. Does she ever stop smiling and being annoying?

 "Well, what do you need help with?" I questioned. "So uh, during Blackout, I don't know why but.... some slimepups stole all my crates...hehehe.." She laughed nervously. "Well, why not ask someone for help?" I questioned really pissed off. "While you're finding them, maybe MAYBE you're headtaker will be fixed!" She smiled. "Look you little- WAIT A SECOND IT'LL FINALLY BE FIXED?!" I smiled with joy. "Well, maybe but most likely" She stated. "YOU WON'T REGRET THIS KAMILA!" I ran out of the safe zone. "Oh brother-" her smiled dropped.


As i went to the garden, I saw some slime hounds and they stared at me like there staring right straight to my soul. Aw crap...They started chasing me and i was screaming "SHIT SHIT SHIT DON'T DIE PLEASE DO NOT SAMURAI AHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed. As I was running, I heard a whack, and I turned around and saw Regina. I wrapped myself to her and screamed, "THANK YOU REGINA I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUGHT YOU WAAAA" I cried.

 I wrapped myself to her and screamed, "THANK YOU REGINA I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUGHT YOU WAAAA" I cried

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(Pretend Regina's making that face)

She hit me with her bat, and I felled to the ground. "HEY WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled. "I hate being hugged. Also, I'm here to help." She rolled her eyes. "Wait really?" I questioned. "Yeah, dummy so get your ass up and let's go." I knew she hated me, but I know she sees me like a sister, but I kind of hate her too. We searched in support cave, and I actually found one. "I FOUND ONE!" I shouted to Regina so she can hear me because she's far away. "Alright let's try going to the cafeteria!" She shouted back. While me and Regina were searching for the crates, she told me the others are around here doing their job. 

(Time skip again) 

We finally found the last crate and it's been 8 hours searching for them all. "We finally did it..." I said exhausted. "Yeah...lets go to Kamila's shop..." She was also exhausted. We told everyone we needed help carrying the crates and they accepted. "How did you find all of these?!" Michael said shocked. "They just found it Michael there's nothing to be shocked about!" Sam yelled at Michael while carrying the crates to the safe zone.

As we dropped them in front of Kamila, she said "You guys look exhausted!' She gasped. "Yeah *Huffs* one of us had been searching for *Huff* a long time!" I spoke. "Well, that's good!" She cheered. "What the fuck do you mean "GOOD"?!" James yelled. "Never mind that. BUT!" she went to the back and was getting something. "I finally repaired it!" She brought out my head taker "YES FINALLY!" I shouted in joy. "Great job on getting the crates." James said. "Aww thanks James!" I smiled and he turned away WHICH I DON'T KNOW WHY. "You guys want to get some food?" Michael said and we all agreed.

"BURGERS HERE I COME!" Alice shouted and everyone laughed.

I wish this can stay long, but I do want to get out of here.

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